Visits to the East Coast.
August 3rd-7th (vacation)
Meryl and I will be in Florida on a family reunion/vacation. That means I will be not in the shop that Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Sept 12th, 13th, and 14th (Boston Tattoo Convention)
I just found out that Todd Lambright and I will be at the Boston Tattoo Convention.
We'll be there under the Identity Tattoo banner, and in coordination with Albie Rock and Jessica Guercia.
I have a few spots still open, but I have to be super selective about what I will do in the convention setting.
Todd is pretty open, and should be contacted by anyone wanting some super clean, smooth sexiness. (or tattoos)
If you book it right, you could get tattooed by us all in the three days, I know Tyrant is trying to work it out.
It will be epic.... and Never Quiet, Never Soft.
November 24th-30th (Off the Map guest spot)
Off the Map Tattoo, located in East Hampton, MA is a super amazing tattoo shop, full of awesome and inspiring people. I'm excited about working there for the week. That 27th is Thanksgiving, so I will not be working that day, but every other should be jam packed. Come see the shop, hang out with us, and bring Dr. Pepper.
X Files Tattoos
I am the biggest fan of the X-Files EVER and in anticipation of the movie I Want To Believe coming out tonight, I posted about X-Files tattoos on Fun Vampires (my permanent home for bad tattoo postings).
Trees and battles.

Finished Lana's tree today, not sure how many hours total, but she sits better than anyone.
(Motocross racing makes you tough. )
Did you hear that OHIO did a portrait of me, con antlers, dr pepper can, acorns and leaves? yeah......
I was winning the war in pure volume and everything else, so JR decided to kick it up to a completely and utterly ridiculous level.
The box being mailed to him right now has gone from being a taunting joke to a trophy.
I'll post pictures once he gets it.
The Roman Struggler

Gifted with that title by the now Reverend Albie Rock, Miss Victoria has been collecting some serious amounts of tattoos in the past 6 months, and to break the lack of posting, I decided to use this one I did yesterday.
Speaking of Albie Rock, as he's been seeing how little work he can do and still maintain his woodsy viking folk art lifestyle, I have been the complete inverse of that. I have been putting in lots of hours at the shop, and then coming home to use power tools, hammers, and duct tape.
I am putting aside my normal ways of not being in any way handy, because my Wallingford crew is a lot of miles east, and this stuff needs to get done. And I think they'd be proud of me. And also laugh a lot.
I painted the guest room last night, since we're having our first guests this weekend.
So, if you've been waiting on a drawing from me, or a phone call, or mail art (I know, it's coming.), maybe you should remind me again. I think I may have lost/forgotten a few things in all the craziness.
And don't worry, TYRANT, I miss you too. I'm not replacing you with any weird art/bike dudes from MPLS. I promise.
Immortal Tattoos Singapore - Mini Documentary
I was interviewed regarding issues about Tattoos being Taboo in Singapore.
Check it out !!
Save the Swastika - Part 1
Immortal Tattoos, Singapore brings to you SAVE THE SWASTIKA - Campaign ( In regards to ManWoman and )
Immortal Tattoos, Singapore - is the first in Singapore to follow out the campaign in order to protect and reclaim history behind the SWASTIKA !!
Immortal Tattoos, Singapore - will be working closely with ManWoman, who has been on 40 year mission in protecting and reclaiming the innocence of the Swastika.
Our aim is to detoxify the Swastika and preserve the History. Hitler did not create the Swastika - HE STOLE IT !!
Immortal Tattoos, Singapore - will be doing free Swastika tattoos to the first 13 customers every month, to spread the word and to change the mindset of the millions who still regard the Swastika as a EVIL symbol.
I thank ManWoman in lending me a hand and for the support. And I ask the thousands of viewers who come to this blog for the support !!
Love ya all !!
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