Boys and Girls,
I know I have been slow on updating my works, including the ones from -XVI- the ongoing event.
I have too many things going on in my head and its been hard for me to concentrate but I still try. Its like, I am already am living in hell in reality. I don't know if the idea of my event has become real or that my mind has engulfed me and over took my senses...
Things around me seems to mess me up and shut me down. Sometimes I don't even know what I am thinking about or even going through. I have been having memory lost and seems like I am losing my grip on my life...
I really need to find my 66 Sinners and finish this event up. Honestly, now I know why they say, "Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it".....
Immortal Tattoos was interviewed by an Online Tattoo Magazine,
Check out the interview here :
Holy Dinosaur!
The ying-yanging squirrels canceled on me last minute today, but luckily there was a haloed pteradon to take their place.
All of that is true.

I took Amy and Jaime to the airport this morning at 5:30 am, and it was sad to see them go. They'll be at the China Pan(ts) dinner party mid August when we're out there, and I'll be in Northampton again soon.
Julie and MJ, however, have already taken their spot in our guest room, and will be here for the next few days.
It's Pride week in MPLS, so we hit the Bedlam Theatre tonight for Queertopia.
Turns out some of my friends had performances in the show, which was pretty awesome.
One of them, Kelly, is a friend from all the way back to my Savannah days, circa 1999.
Speaking of that year, this is happening tomorrow.
Anyway, it's been busy, and I've now been up for 20+ hours.
All of that is true.

I took Amy and Jaime to the airport this morning at 5:30 am, and it was sad to see them go. They'll be at the China Pan(ts) dinner party mid August when we're out there, and I'll be in Northampton again soon.
Julie and MJ, however, have already taken their spot in our guest room, and will be here for the next few days.
It's Pride week in MPLS, so we hit the Bedlam Theatre tonight for Queertopia.
Turns out some of my friends had performances in the show, which was pretty awesome.
One of them, Kelly, is a friend from all the way back to my Savannah days, circa 1999.
Speaking of that year, this is happening tomorrow.
Anyway, it's been busy, and I've now been up for 20+ hours.
Full House.
I've only known Amy and Jaime for 7 months now.
I just went back and did the math and surprised the absolute sh*t out of myself.
Well, the Brigg's got upgraded to super duper friendship level just for showing up out here.
I know I've been having a good time.
I hope they have been to, because there's plans for me to do a guest spot out in MA again before the year is up, and I'm hoping Amy doesn't put my bed in the basement.
7 months ago, I did the tattoo on Miss Amy of the bird carrying the book (seen here).
We chatted about books and birds, and houses for birds, and books for houses.
We drank tea and drew pictures.
A couple months later the birdhouses got built.
The antlers just kinda just happened, but otherwise Amy kicked off this whole strange journey.
So, in order to bring it kinda full circle,
Amy got this piece on her other arm,
getting the first ever antlered book-topped birdhouse and finally giving the bird on her right arm a proper place to live.
We didn't get to finish of course, but we got 4.5 hours worth of pain in before we hit a decent stopping point.

This first weekend of summer sure was a scorcher.
It was so hot, I think I forgot how cold it was this winter.
These Midwest extremes are really messing with me.
Monday we stayed in the air conditioning of Identity Tattoo, doing the birdhouse on a faux day off.
Luckily, I hadn't used up all of my sick daysso far this year, so I took today (Tuesday) off as well.
We met up with Rebecca for a 96 degree day of touring Minneapolis.
We hit the mill ruins, the (not so) hidden beach, uptown, downtown, and Dinkytown.
Ate at the Hard Times, AND stopped by some place for spring rolls not too long afterwards.
At the Mill ruins, we saw some VERY dead birds (which were admittedly not very sexy), some tunnels, and this crazy child wooden block graffiti.

I even got a salsa popsicle, which sounded gross, but I had to try it.
It was gross.
One more day with the Brigg's,
but I do have to go into work tomorrow.
And, MJ and Julie arrive tomorrow night.
There will be 6 people plus an evil dog filling this house tomorrow.
I'm not on any kind of vacation, but I'm playing as hard as I can all summer long.
Thanks to everyone who have joined in to play along.
I just went back and did the math and surprised the absolute sh*t out of myself.
Well, the Brigg's got upgraded to super duper friendship level just for showing up out here.
I know I've been having a good time.
I hope they have been to, because there's plans for me to do a guest spot out in MA again before the year is up, and I'm hoping Amy doesn't put my bed in the basement.
7 months ago, I did the tattoo on Miss Amy of the bird carrying the book (seen here).
We chatted about books and birds, and houses for birds, and books for houses.
We drank tea and drew pictures.
A couple months later the birdhouses got built.
The antlers just kinda just happened, but otherwise Amy kicked off this whole strange journey.
So, in order to bring it kinda full circle,
Amy got this piece on her other arm,
getting the first ever antlered book-topped birdhouse and finally giving the bird on her right arm a proper place to live.
We didn't get to finish of course, but we got 4.5 hours worth of pain in before we hit a decent stopping point.

This first weekend of summer sure was a scorcher.
It was so hot, I think I forgot how cold it was this winter.
These Midwest extremes are really messing with me.
Monday we stayed in the air conditioning of Identity Tattoo, doing the birdhouse on a faux day off.
Luckily, I hadn't used up all of my sick daysso far this year, so I took today (Tuesday) off as well.
We met up with Rebecca for a 96 degree day of touring Minneapolis.
We hit the mill ruins, the (not so) hidden beach, uptown, downtown, and Dinkytown.
Ate at the Hard Times, AND stopped by some place for spring rolls not too long afterwards.
At the Mill ruins, we saw some VERY dead birds (which were admittedly not very sexy), some tunnels, and this crazy child wooden block graffiti.

I even got a salsa popsicle, which sounded gross, but I had to try it.
It was gross.
One more day with the Brigg's,
but I do have to go into work tomorrow.
And, MJ and Julie arrive tomorrow night.
There will be 6 people plus an evil dog filling this house tomorrow.
I'm not on any kind of vacation, but I'm playing as hard as I can all summer long.
Thanks to everyone who have joined in to play along.
Shake Your Rump
Dark Dark Dark rocks a house party at the drop of a hat.

Yeah, that's my living room.
That wasn't the original plan,
we had a big fire outside and everything set up around it.
But a few drops of rain later and we decided to make it a living room show.
What's the special occasion, you ask?
The Briggs' from the Maynard House of Northampton are in town for a couple days.
Amy and Jaime.
So I have to cram the two weeks of hospitality they've showed me into just four days here in MPLS.
Of course it's not possible, but that's not going to stop me from trying.
(and their first night here was off to a good start, no?)
Big tattoos are planned for today.
Summer is two days old, and it's already pretty rad.

Yeah, that's my living room.
That wasn't the original plan,
we had a big fire outside and everything set up around it.
But a few drops of rain later and we decided to make it a living room show.
What's the special occasion, you ask?
The Briggs' from the Maynard House of Northampton are in town for a couple days.
Amy and Jaime.
So I have to cram the two weeks of hospitality they've showed me into just four days here in MPLS.
Of course it's not possible, but that's not going to stop me from trying.
(and their first night here was off to a good start, no?)
Big tattoos are planned for today.
Summer is two days old, and it's already pretty rad.
Two years and custom tie.

Not Casual Friday is not to be taken lightly.
This morning I had a lot of things on my mind, and Meryl was driving me to work, so I got as far as putting my collared shirt on, but forgot the tie.
(and my back up tie that is kept at the shop wasn't anywhere to be found)
But, I'm not one to break silly rules, so I found a bag of fabric that a customer dropped off as inspiration for her next tattoo, found a kinda long piece, and made this makeshift-bow-tie-looking-thing.
Also, this week is my two year anniversary at Identity Tattoo.
Two years!
I guess that's officially my longest held job.
I'm a good employee, but not the best co-worker.
Thanks to Todd for having a shop I'm proud to be a part of.
A little bit of tattooing
Today I was able to do a few really, really fun tattoos on some rad folks.
Amanda lives in Savannah, Georgia these days, and is about to graduate from the very art school that I dropped out of.
So we shared stories of muggings, graffiti, jail, cockroaches, street wolves, Circle Takes the Square, and other little known facts about the poorly named "Hostess City".
Her and JoeJoe and I had an awesome time, AND I got to do a Blue Footed Booby WITH antlers.
Man oh man.

Then Sidney had to add to her "too cute" tattoo collection, by getting this T-Rex on the foot.
I didn't get kicked in the head, and she got her tattoo, so we both felt like we won.
Amanda lives in Savannah, Georgia these days, and is about to graduate from the very art school that I dropped out of.
So we shared stories of muggings, graffiti, jail, cockroaches, street wolves, Circle Takes the Square, and other little known facts about the poorly named "Hostess City".
Her and JoeJoe and I had an awesome time, AND I got to do a Blue Footed Booby WITH antlers.
Man oh man.

Then Sidney had to add to her "too cute" tattoo collection, by getting this T-Rex on the foot.
I didn't get kicked in the head, and she got her tattoo, so we both felt like we won.

A First-Class Relic here in MPLS.

It's time to pack up and take a pilgrimage out to Identity Tattoo.
You can get a tattoo while you're here,
but the real reason would be to see the Holy Preserved Under-Chest Skin of Saint Camden of Minneapolis.
It's done, mounted, and displayed in this shadow box in my tattoo station.
Thanks to Camden for not only donating it for all to admire, but for being the best sport ever.
And thanks to M.A.R.T. for their collective advice on preserving it.
Black Swans and Antlered Skulls

The latest I Want Your Skull (Issue 7!) just came out.
I think this is the fourth or fifth one I've been in.
Albie Rock and Jess Guercia each have a page in it as well.
You can see more and buy one here!
Or, you can win one for free from me.
Contest details coming soon!
Here's a preview of my piece in the book:

Also, today Meryl and I started on her black swan tattoo.
She sat for a super impressive 5 1/2 hours, and it takes up the majority of her leg from knee to ankle.
It's so big, I had to FrankenShop these 4 pictures together to give you an idea of what it looks like.
Clouds will be added, and those are some lilies and lily pads underneath.
It'll be full color, and we'll hopefully have it done before the summer's over, so she can still get some lake-time in.
Thanks to Albie and Todd for their pregame critiques.

Getting far away for a few days.

Meryl and I just got back from five days up north on Lake Superior.
We stayed in Bayfield, WI, which is the "gateway to the Apostle Islands", in Wisconsin's oldest bed and breakfast, the Rittenhouse Inn.
Not only was the place amazing, but they catered to our being vegan, and we had multiple-course breakfasts every day.
I know.
The house in the middle of this photo is where we stayed.
Built in 1907 (the same year as my house) by a lumber baron (who had a LOT more money than whoever built mine).
We had one of the rooms that overlooked the lake.
Nice stuff.

It was crappy weather the first day, but it made for some pretty amazing photos, like the lake (top).
We checked out the Apostle Islands, did more walking/hiking than I've ever done before, saw lighthouses, seacaves (I know, it's a lake), lots of old awesome things, boats, shipwrecks, etc.
What I didn't do is ANY email or computer usage at all, tattooing, drawing for clients, or worrying about work (much).
And that was probably the best part.

The rain didn't mess up our trip any, but it DID do a lot of good back in Minneapolis, where a drought is wrecking things.
Lots of rain and then sunshine made my raised bed gardens look so much better when I got back.

Thanks to Kyle and Rebecca for their parts in dog and house sitting!
Wingnut Dishwashers Union
The new Wingnut Dishwashers Union album has been in my hands for a little while now, but I'm sworn to secrecy.
I am, however, allowed to show off the pseudo-commissioned poster I did for them and the DIY Bandits.
11x17, full color.
Micron pen and digital coloring

The cd should be out late June, and the band will go on tour shortly afterwards.
July 15th is the MPLS date.
I must have seen Pat/Johnny Hobo/WDU 10-15 times by now, including a show or two at the Warehouse Meryl and I ran for a hot second back in Wallingford, CT.
That was about 5 years ago, and I've always been a huge fan.
I'm excited that Pat and the Bandits asked me to be a part of this.
Here's a little show from last year I found on Youtube:
I am, however, allowed to show off the pseudo-commissioned poster I did for them and the DIY Bandits.
11x17, full color.
Micron pen and digital coloring

The cd should be out late June, and the band will go on tour shortly afterwards.
July 15th is the MPLS date.
I must have seen Pat/Johnny Hobo/WDU 10-15 times by now, including a show or two at the Warehouse Meryl and I ran for a hot second back in Wallingford, CT.
That was about 5 years ago, and I've always been a huge fan.
I'm excited that Pat and the Bandits asked me to be a part of this.
Here's a little show from last year I found on Youtube:
Empty Nesters (for now)
An entire (busy!) week with no blog post?!?
There's too much to share, so I'll stick with the few things I have photos of.
First, Meryl and I are feeling kind of alone in this house tonight.
Casey packed up (some of her stuff) and left for her bicycle trip Saturday.
She'll be gone for at least 4 months.
Adam from Queens was in town and staying with us over the weekend, but he left early this morning.
So now it's just me, Meryl, and Shamira.
Later this month it'll be an overlapping, overbooked visitor extravaganza, but we'll have some quiet time to prepare.
So I picked up the frozen tattooed skin Wednesday night.
I started the Krowtann 2000 process today, and here's a gross photo of all that:

Speaking of boob tattoos, Caitlin's painting that she gave me arrived from Taiwan on Thursday!
It's super textured, really big, and looks even better in person.
Dead birds are sexy.
Thanks Caitlin!!

Adam was here the weekend Casey arrived, so he thought he'd help send her off as well.
He also decided to get ANOTHER aircraft safety tattoo.

Ryan and Rebecca spent a bunch of time with all of us this week as well.
We collected 100 year old chimney bricks from a gutted house in their neighborhood and put them in my front yard.
You can see some of them used for edging already to the left of the pile.

We got to play on their teeter-totter that Ryan made.

And Adam took this (very) candid shot of us hanging out in their living room.
That's me on the left sitting behind Meryl.
There's too much to share, so I'll stick with the few things I have photos of.
First, Meryl and I are feeling kind of alone in this house tonight.
Casey packed up (some of her stuff) and left for her bicycle trip Saturday.
She'll be gone for at least 4 months.
Adam from Queens was in town and staying with us over the weekend, but he left early this morning.
So now it's just me, Meryl, and Shamira.
Later this month it'll be an overlapping, overbooked visitor extravaganza, but we'll have some quiet time to prepare.
So I picked up the frozen tattooed skin Wednesday night.
I started the Krowtann 2000 process today, and here's a gross photo of all that:

Speaking of boob tattoos, Caitlin's painting that she gave me arrived from Taiwan on Thursday!
It's super textured, really big, and looks even better in person.
Dead birds are sexy.
Thanks Caitlin!!

Adam was here the weekend Casey arrived, so he thought he'd help send her off as well.
He also decided to get ANOTHER aircraft safety tattoo.

Ryan and Rebecca spent a bunch of time with all of us this week as well.
We collected 100 year old chimney bricks from a gutted house in their neighborhood and put them in my front yard.
You can see some of them used for edging already to the left of the pile.

We got to play on their teeter-totter that Ryan made.

And Adam took this (very) candid shot of us hanging out in their living room.
That's me on the left sitting behind Meryl.

Few days before the XVI event !! Enjoy the tease...
Lotus on the foot. Its a Coverup of an old tattoo...
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