Big plans are being made for the Minneapolis Tattoo Convention.
September 18th - 20th.
Identity Tattoo will be there, rocking a corner booth.
We'll be tattooing, giving away stickers, and having a good time.
A big box of shirts arrived yesterday that I'll be screening up soon, exclusively for the convention.
Guys and girls cuts, 42 shirts in all.
Free to people getting tattooed by me at the show, and for my other clients who are just there for the fun.
As supplies last, of course.

The hours of the show are kinda strange, I'm spending this week figuring out time slots and doing some drawings that need to be made into tattoos that weekend.
If you know you want to get tattooed by me then,
and have a super awesome idea, email me.
I spent a couple more hours painting this last night.
It's not done yet, but I'm getting somewhere.
It's really big, and going up outside.
You'll see.
I have a couple of house paint brushes,
a bucket of white, a bucket of black, a tube of acrylic yellow ochre, and a craft paint bottle of (watery) red.
I had a yellow craft paint, too, but i haven't used it.
Those things will be kites after another couple layers, and I'll be adding a foreground one or two as well.

My mom has dug her stained glass supplies out of the basement.
They haven't been used in 15 years, but we'll be there Wednesday, and Dean K needs a fancy window for the treehouse he's building.
No kidding.
She got a book out of the library and is studying up, Meryl did it a little in high school, and I have a fistful of drawings.
I hope she has lots of earth tone colored glass to choose from.