I always have Mondays off, so it was going to be work-free anyway.
That's double reason to stay away from the shop and do whatever I wanted,
but of course I couldn't resist.
I headed to Identity around noon to give Mr. Kyle Mack a birthday/breakup tattoo.
He wanted a play off of the wolf in sheep's clothing.
Instead of sheep's clothing, he went with a penguin suit.
I'm not sure.
Something about how girls lure you in with cuteness, but they aren't as they seem.
Call up the shop and ask him, it's really detailed and has multiple levels of absurdity.
Dear Kyle Mack,
Stay away from penguins (both real and metaphorical).
And maybe girls, too.
Happy Birthday anyway...

The rest of my weekend was great,
We did Seward Cafe, the farmer's market, and a poet's party (with fire) down in Red Wing, Minnesota.
Thanks to the Queen of the Internet and her lovely husband for having us all, and the nicest vegan spread.
Sorry I drank everybody's share of lemonade.
It was so good.
I hope all of you who rocked out for three days straight without having to punch the clock filled the days well.
Back to work, tomorrow, for all of us.
(Except Albie)