Todd Lambright showed up this morning to Identity Tattoo carrying a bag full of mirrors, a black umbrella, a ladder, and a few shakers of salt.
We're hoping the bad luck carries us all the way till next month.
Or at least through Valentine's Day.
And since it was also a Friday, "not casual" was in effect as well.

We've had a busy morning smashing mirrors and tattooing.
I'm in between appointments right now, but after all that testing of fate, I'd be amazed if this next one shows up.
But if she does, we'll hand her the hammer and a mirror, and let her thumb her nose at Fortuna.
*edit- she did show up, and with a posse!*
Matt had an almost completed sleeve that we fit this murderous penguin tattoo into the last empty space.
Which happened to be the underarm/armpit area.
I battled my way through some hidden stretchmarks and Matt delt with some serious limb numbness.
But we survived and have this insanely poor quality picture as proof.
After he heals it up, we'll do the background and fit it into the rest of the sleeve.

My sister-in-law Casey came in late in the evening for a session on her backpiece we finished 4 years ago.
Just a little reworking, as I've gotten slightly better since the Cromwell studio days.
She smashed the last mirror, then we closed up the shop and headed home.
A pretty great day, for sure.
There may be an event for next months Friday the 13th.
I'll keep you posted.
I have a busy day lined up for tomorrow, but if you're around, stop in and say hello.
We'll be playing the Mountain Goat's "No Children" on repeat till Ben sheds some tears.