I wish I knew what was on his back, too. You can see a bit of it poking out. I bet it's incredible.
Death Metal Tattoos: part 2
I wish I knew what this was, I really do. It looks like a totem pole of demons? With some kind of weird scarred-out blob in the middle. Is it a tribal-mutant batman logo? AND DO YOU SEE THE SCRATCHED UP FETUS ON HIS ELBOW? I mean really, how could you miss that? I don't even know what the stuff on his forearm is. If anyone can help decipher this, please let me know! I was staring at this guy for ages trying to figure it out.

I wish I knew what was on his back, too. You can see a bit of it poking out. I bet it's incredible.
I wish I knew what was on his back, too. You can see a bit of it poking out. I bet it's incredible.
awful tattoos,
bad tattoos,
worst ever,
wtf is this,
Death Metal Tattoos: part 1
I went to the Maryland Deathfest this past weekend and OH BOY did I see so many amazing metal tattoos! One million distorted zombies! Ten thousand blurry black and white messes of somethingorother! A good handful of band logos! I have a LOT to share with you guys, but let me start with this gem (perhaps the best of the bunch):

THAT GIRL IS TRUE. EVIL. I love the fancy flourishes added to each word, it really rubs in the brutality of her tattoo.
Tune in soon for more!
THAT GIRL IS TRUE. EVIL. I love the fancy flourishes added to each word, it really rubs in the brutality of her tattoo.
Tune in soon for more!
66 Tattoo Canvases Wanted for Immortal Tattoos upcoming Event. If you think you can be part of it. Why wait? Just email me !!
Tattoos are charged at ONLY $50 per session. If the tattoo can be completed in one sitting, its still ONLY $50 !!
Minimum size of Tattoo must be of 15cm in height. But if you want to do something smaller and if you think its a good design, just let me know.
The canvases who are undergoing work progress by me CANNOT apply for this event.
If you are interested do email me : Immortal_Tattoos@mail.com
Additional Info : 5 Females are needed for inking. Tattoos are done for free. U must be able to model for photo shoot. We don't want shy ladies. Do email me if you have any questions.
Thank u all for your time.
PS: This event is held in Singapore only.
Tattoos are charged at ONLY $50 per session. If the tattoo can be completed in one sitting, its still ONLY $50 !!
Minimum size of Tattoo must be of 15cm in height. But if you want to do something smaller and if you think its a good design, just let me know.
The canvases who are undergoing work progress by me CANNOT apply for this event.
If you are interested do email me : Immortal_Tattoos@mail.com
Additional Info : 5 Females are needed for inking. Tattoos are done for free. U must be able to model for photo shoot. We don't want shy ladies. Do email me if you have any questions.
Thank u all for your time.
PS: This event is held in Singapore only.
Once upon an infernal time,
Existed a circus created by hell’s own grime
The circus bred freaks that thrived on pain,
Thereby giving it, its sordid name.
In the carnival of pain, lived a freak,
Whose daily pain made the guillotine seem meek.
Diamond fangs, the condemned called him,
The Grand Meister, of the Carnival of eternal Sin
And the pain he felt, he transferred to ink,
With which he marked bodies till raw and pink.
This blasphemy provoked higher beings,
Till even God deferred; and the Devil Intervened.
Black, angry and searing pains he felt,
Of kinds which make hardest stones melt,
Voices of those past inked, echoed painfully
Right through Diamond Fang’s head; throbbing violently.
The creature thought, for sure he’ll explode,
For minions of hell destroyed his abode.
Scorched his eyes, and flayed his body
Until his tainted soul was ripped all bloody.
Thus when he was about to break,
The visions cleared and a voice thus spake,
From its high throne of gory splendor,
Said the Devil with glistening evil ardor,
“You’ve breached the codes of heaven and hell,
For this torrid sin, repent you shall.
66 irredeemable sinners you must find,
And mark them with the ink of thine,
Then only will your soul mend,
And back to your Carnival, you may tend.
Break me this chain of human sacrifice,
And your soul can never survive
So go forth my insolent son,
your quest of 66 sinners has now begun".
Following the Mississippi South of Here
It was a jam-packed week.
Meryl and I celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary on Wednesday,
we did dinner out and had a nice walk around the mill ruins.
I did tons of tattooing even though I had two sleeve cancellations.
I filled the time with mostly little things.
Flowers and words were the big players this week.

Today, Ryan and Rebecca picked us up, and we headed down to Red Wing,
an historic town famous for shoes and stoneware.
We did some MANtiquing, of course.
We also did some dangerous archaeological digging (Meryl got injured) in this area where the rejected pottery ended up. We found ceramic pieces, antique bricks, a crazy red layered rock, and deer teeth.
Later on, while hiking, we traded a discarded bubble maker to some kid for the scoop on this really long cave.
Ryan and I have decided that we need some caving gear, or at least flashlights, on us at all times from now on. It's hard to be professional explorers when we use cell phones and cameras to light the way.
Ryan picking up garbage and making pretty bubbles

The cave kept going and going.

My silhouette from inside the cave, no flash

A different (man-made) cave entrance on a different mountain, but we didn't enter this one.

After all that, we came home, grilled up some tofu, mushrooms, and corn, had a fire, and enjoyed the late May evening.
This week is going to be at least as busy, if not more so.
I pick up the surgically removed tattooed skin on Wednesday.
I bought Krowtann 2000 for the ordeal, and will obviously post photos of the entire process.
Meryl bought me a shadow box (as an anniversary gift, how dope is that?!) for it to be displayed in.
Adam from Queens arrives Thursday. He's been to MN 4 times (or more) so far in 2009 alone, so anyone else competing for "Most Visits" will have to aim for a Silver Medal.
He's also winning for "Most Postcards", and the slightly less sought after "Shamira's Favorite Person Award".
Casey has a going away party Friday night at Java J's, and then leaves MPLS on Saturday for CT before her train ride to LA. Come by and wish her luck on her bike trip.
Meryl and I celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary on Wednesday,
we did dinner out and had a nice walk around the mill ruins.
I did tons of tattooing even though I had two sleeve cancellations.
I filled the time with mostly little things.
Flowers and words were the big players this week.

Today, Ryan and Rebecca picked us up, and we headed down to Red Wing,
an historic town famous for shoes and stoneware.
We did some MANtiquing, of course.
We also did some dangerous archaeological digging (Meryl got injured) in this area where the rejected pottery ended up. We found ceramic pieces, antique bricks, a crazy red layered rock, and deer teeth.
Later on, while hiking, we traded a discarded bubble maker to some kid for the scoop on this really long cave.
Ryan and I have decided that we need some caving gear, or at least flashlights, on us at all times from now on. It's hard to be professional explorers when we use cell phones and cameras to light the way.
Ryan picking up garbage and making pretty bubbles

The cave kept going and going.

My silhouette from inside the cave, no flash

A different (man-made) cave entrance on a different mountain, but we didn't enter this one.

After all that, we came home, grilled up some tofu, mushrooms, and corn, had a fire, and enjoyed the late May evening.
This week is going to be at least as busy, if not more so.
I pick up the surgically removed tattooed skin on Wednesday.
I bought Krowtann 2000 for the ordeal, and will obviously post photos of the entire process.
Meryl bought me a shadow box (as an anniversary gift, how dope is that?!) for it to be displayed in.
Adam from Queens arrives Thursday. He's been to MN 4 times (or more) so far in 2009 alone, so anyone else competing for "Most Visits" will have to aim for a Silver Medal.
He's also winning for "Most Postcards", and the slightly less sought after "Shamira's Favorite Person Award".
Casey has a going away party Friday night at Java J's, and then leaves MPLS on Saturday for CT before her train ride to LA. Come by and wish her luck on her bike trip.
Book topped houses are for the birds.
8 hours of Art-a-Whirl today!
I did two hours last night as well, then caught Dark, Dark, Dark's show over in Dinkytown.
I think that's 4 shows of theirs in 2 weeks I've seen.
As for my work,
here's some better photos of the finishes pieces:

The day went pretty well.
It consisted of a lot of question answering,
and small-talk making,
and wondering if I shouldn't have been at work instead.
But I did get to see lots of super hot artwork done by tons of different artists all in one building.
And Ryan and I did go exploring underneath the Northrup King building in some weird grain tunnels or something.

Armed with only a cell phone and a camera flash to light our way, we successfully avoided tons of people shocked by the fact that someone might use books for the roof of the birdhouses.
The antlers no one questioned.
At all.
But those were mostly referred to as "horns".
Also, if you ever do Art-a-Whirl, go armed with a credit card machine.
We met some interesting people,
bloggers and birders and borderline nutballs.
Some of the artists were pretty dope.
Kristen Arden does some serious metalwork,
like this antler piece.
There was letterpressed art,
paint, sculpture, motorized metal (that was awesome),
and of course plenty of not so awesome things.
It's going on again tomorrow from 12-5,
but I won't be there for the first part of the day.
Meryl and I have tickets to the Guthrie,
our Christmas present from her mom.
We've heard some whisperings about this play, The Intelligent Homosexual's Guide To Capitalism And Socialism With A Key To The Scriptures, and we're excited.
Thanks to everyone who's come by and said hello so far, I really do appreciate it.
Hope if you're in Minneapolis, you're enjoying all of the commotion this weekend.
I did two hours last night as well, then caught Dark, Dark, Dark's show over in Dinkytown.
I think that's 4 shows of theirs in 2 weeks I've seen.
As for my work,
here's some better photos of the finishes pieces:

The day went pretty well.
It consisted of a lot of question answering,
and small-talk making,
and wondering if I shouldn't have been at work instead.
But I did get to see lots of super hot artwork done by tons of different artists all in one building.
And Ryan and I did go exploring underneath the Northrup King building in some weird grain tunnels or something.

Armed with only a cell phone and a camera flash to light our way, we successfully avoided tons of people shocked by the fact that someone might use books for the roof of the birdhouses.
The antlers no one questioned.
At all.
But those were mostly referred to as "horns".
Also, if you ever do Art-a-Whirl, go armed with a credit card machine.
We met some interesting people,
bloggers and birders and borderline nutballs.
Some of the artists were pretty dope.
Kristen Arden does some serious metalwork,
like this antler piece.
There was letterpressed art,
paint, sculpture, motorized metal (that was awesome),
and of course plenty of not so awesome things.
It's going on again tomorrow from 12-5,
but I won't be there for the first part of the day.
Meryl and I have tickets to the Guthrie,
our Christmas present from her mom.
We've heard some whisperings about this play, The Intelligent Homosexual's Guide To Capitalism And Socialism With A Key To The Scriptures, and we're excited.
Thanks to everyone who's come by and said hello so far, I really do appreciate it.
Hope if you're in Minneapolis, you're enjoying all of the commotion this weekend.

Here's a preview of the stuff I did for the Art-a-Whirl that's taking over Minneapolis this weekend.

I'll be in the Northrup King Building, Studio number 451 (the Tulle and Dye studio).
I'll be there tonight from 8ish-10.
Saturday all day, and the later parts of Sunday.
All your favorite local artists and musicians will be out at different venues.
I'm sharing a space with Rebecca, who has screenprinted these awesome neckties.
Get one and join us for a Not Casual Friday at Identity Tattoo soon.
Also, friend Megan Moore is in studio #423 in the same building, so go check her out as well.
Dark Dark Dark is playing Kitty Kat Club tonight, they think they'll be going on around 10pm.
Tomorrow, Marshall LaCount from DDD is doing a live mural on the side of the 331 Club with Tynan Kerr.
It's planned to be up for the whole year, so you'll have lots of time to check it out.
I got tattooed by Tim Biedron, yesterday, and it was an awesome experience.
When you see me next, ask to check out my leg.
Have an action packed weekend!
more like WHINE-flu.
There's nothing I heart more than the bird flu.
Except MAYBE this whole avian/swine flu mix that's going around.
Pigs and birds, mutating influenza viruses?
Pig farmers crying about people eating less pigs, Minnesota being sold out of those paper masks, everyone blaming Mexico.
That's my flavor of absurdity.
I've done a bunch of drawings now in this theme,
and had a couple hanging up in my station.
This one got claimed last week, and today was my first availability.

Tomorrow I won't be at the shop, since I'll be getting tattooed by Tim Biedron all day long.
I won't tell you where, so you won't stop in and see the tears flowing.
It's also the last day I have to work on the final touches of the Art-a-Whirl stuff.
Lots of pictures of that coming tomorrow.
Except MAYBE this whole avian/swine flu mix that's going around.
Pigs and birds, mutating influenza viruses?
Pig farmers crying about people eating less pigs, Minnesota being sold out of those paper masks, everyone blaming Mexico.
That's my flavor of absurdity.
I've done a bunch of drawings now in this theme,
and had a couple hanging up in my station.
This one got claimed last week, and today was my first availability.

Tomorrow I won't be at the shop, since I'll be getting tattooed by Tim Biedron all day long.
I won't tell you where, so you won't stop in and see the tears flowing.
It's also the last day I have to work on the final touches of the Art-a-Whirl stuff.
Lots of pictures of that coming tomorrow.
Big birthdays with boats, birds and Babani's

Li arrived in Minneapolis Saturday night on her way to Arizona.
She brought us some homemade bread loaves and stayed a few days, got this barn swallow tattoo, and helped celebrate Meryl's birthday (today!)
We spent the day mostly in St Paul, walking all over both sides of the Mississippi River. After hitting the the Science Museum of Minnesota, we walked across a bridge to check out houseboats lined up along the docks.
Some of them are yacht-y, some of them are literally floating trailers, but some are awesome little houses that are also boats.
We drooled over some of the more creative ones, dreamed of houseboat rooftop gardens and life sailing up and down the river.
There was a few huge birhouses placed on the big dock support posts, so lots of barn swallows were darting around us as we had beverages on some weird restaurant boat.
That's some Albie Rock coincidence creating style, for sure.
But, of course, we didn't bring a camera, so no pictures for my blog.
And no pictures for Meryl's blog either, which was just created yesterday.
It might be a smarty-pants blog, or it might be a way to fact check the tall tales and outright lies I tell on my blog.
We'll have to see.
Anyway, Happy Birthday to her.
A double doiley day.

I tattooed these negative space, shoulder cap doilies on Nona from Dark Dark Dark today.
We took a small break in between when Marshall arrived with vegan Chinese food, but otherwise she sat perfectly through the entire thing.
I asked a lot of questions, and got to hear about rafting and traveling and art making and the difficulties of getting paid for music making.
They're playing at the Kitty Kat Club this Friday in Minneapolis,
and then they're off to Venice for a month to do more traveling on rafts.
You know you need to be there.
I might miss out, since it's in the middle of my Art-a-Whirl show weekend,
but it's ok.
We have a special date planned for when they return.

Music, art, and green things growing.
It's been busy here (still).
Last night I rode my bike to the Bedlam Theatre to see Dark, Dark, Dark again.
Out of the three shows of theirs I've been to this month,
last night's was the best.
So good.
Nona (of ddd) is planning on getting some tattoos from me this weekend,
which is pretty exciting.
Our friend, Li, will be at our house this weekend, visiting from RI and thereabouts.
I'll be doing some tattooing with her as well.
Meryl turns 28 years old on Monday.
We'll be in St Paul feasting on some Kurdish food.
It's really Spring now.
Everything is growing in the yard,
stuff that's been there for decades,
and things I planted last year.
The tulips in the backyard have gotten their tops bitten off right before they bloom,
but everything else seems to be healthy and critter-free.
It rained again today, so the rain barrel is full, the yard is green, and the winter dirt & sand is gone.
I'm finishing up the birdhouses, etc. for this show.
I'll have to be creative to find time to work on it this weekend.
(or just put all my friends to work)
Last night I rode my bike to the Bedlam Theatre to see Dark, Dark, Dark again.
Out of the three shows of theirs I've been to this month,
last night's was the best.
So good.
Nona (of ddd) is planning on getting some tattoos from me this weekend,
which is pretty exciting.
Our friend, Li, will be at our house this weekend, visiting from RI and thereabouts.
I'll be doing some tattooing with her as well.
Meryl turns 28 years old on Monday.
We'll be in St Paul feasting on some Kurdish food.
It's really Spring now.
Everything is growing in the yard,
stuff that's been there for decades,
and things I planted last year.
The tulips in the backyard have gotten their tops bitten off right before they bloom,
but everything else seems to be healthy and critter-free.
It rained again today, so the rain barrel is full, the yard is green, and the winter dirt & sand is gone.
I'm finishing up the birdhouses, etc. for this show.
I'll have to be creative to find time to work on it this weekend.
(or just put all my friends to work)
Fight Weekend
Fight weekend everybody was in town, and Jersey came out deep- Groovy Lou sent us this pic holding it down strong poolside.

It's a dog going through a divorce
This is another tattoo in my favorite category ever: friends convincing other friends to get ridiculous nonsensical tattoos. Hilarious and awesome. And awful.
This was the first tattoo for this poor/rad soul. Description from the friend whose idea and drawing it was is below.

"i dont really remember what led up to the idea of swift getting a 20 second drawing i did of 'a dog going through a divorce' as a tattoo, but it was certainly assisted by it being 3am and a fair amount of alcohol on his part.. he woke up that next day and said "you know what? fuck it. lets do it." so less than an hour later i was paying someone $60 to permanently put it on swifts arm. dudes got sad depressed moppy divorced hair, hes unshaven and mopey, and hes got a little suitcase and dufflebag. he just needs to crash on your couch for a week or two. you know what happens when you call a tattoo shop and tell them you "want to get a cartoon dog getting a divorce", they dont believe youre serious. like 3 places didnt believe us."
This was the first tattoo for this poor/rad soul. Description from the friend whose idea and drawing it was is below.
"i dont really remember what led up to the idea of swift getting a 20 second drawing i did of 'a dog going through a divorce' as a tattoo, but it was certainly assisted by it being 3am and a fair amount of alcohol on his part.. he woke up that next day and said "you know what? fuck it. lets do it." so less than an hour later i was paying someone $60 to permanently put it on swifts arm. dudes got sad depressed moppy divorced hair, hes unshaven and mopey, and hes got a little suitcase and dufflebag. he just needs to crash on your couch for a week or two. you know what happens when you call a tattoo shop and tell them you "want to get a cartoon dog getting a divorce", they dont believe youre serious. like 3 places didnt believe us."
Live Bait 2009
Finally, Here I am, with my updates !! A month or so has passed and I guess I am finally ready to tell the World on the things I went through while I was on the Blood, Sex & Ink Tour that took place in Melbourne, Australia !! 22nd March 2009 - 12th April 2009...
To begin with, the experiences I had when I was there, has changed me into someone whom I never thought I would be. Most of you would know who Ms.Kim is and most of you would also know that she and I were seeing each other for quite some time. Not until I got a call on April 1st 2009....
Ladies & Gentlemen, Lovely Ms.Kim and I, are no longer together. Chains of events have made her leave me for someone else, while I was in Melbourne. It was heartbreaking news to me, being more than 3000 miles away from her, there was nothing I could do to save the relationship, which I pretty much treasured alot.
It was not easy for me to carry on my usual routines after hearing the news. I wanted to come back to Singapore, the very next day, hoping she would change her mind. I was emotionally impaled and left to die...literally !!
Thanks to my good friends and the ever beautiful, Absinthe - I managed to survive and carried on with what I came to do. I told myself, "I am not gonna let a Heartbreak ruin the Tour". I didn't fly over 3000 miles, just to go back home being hurt. Fuck that !!
Show must go on regardless what happens, Boys and Girls !! - Even though I am not over what happened. -
Let me take you all to Live Bait Event which took place on March 28th 2009, organized by The Hanged Man Team, Melbourne. Thanks Pete and the whole crew for making my dream come true !!
To begin with, the experiences I had when I was there, has changed me into someone whom I never thought I would be. Most of you would know who Ms.Kim is and most of you would also know that she and I were seeing each other for quite some time. Not until I got a call on April 1st 2009....
Ladies & Gentlemen, Lovely Ms.Kim and I, are no longer together. Chains of events have made her leave me for someone else, while I was in Melbourne. It was heartbreaking news to me, being more than 3000 miles away from her, there was nothing I could do to save the relationship, which I pretty much treasured alot.
It was not easy for me to carry on my usual routines after hearing the news. I wanted to come back to Singapore, the very next day, hoping she would change her mind. I was emotionally impaled and left to die...literally !!
Thanks to my good friends and the ever beautiful, Absinthe - I managed to survive and carried on with what I came to do. I told myself, "I am not gonna let a Heartbreak ruin the Tour". I didn't fly over 3000 miles, just to go back home being hurt. Fuck that !!
Show must go on regardless what happens, Boys and Girls !! - Even though I am not over what happened. -
Let me take you all to Live Bait Event which took place on March 28th 2009, organized by The Hanged Man Team, Melbourne. Thanks Pete and the whole crew for making my dream come true !!
Marking the spots...
You just gotta Love it !!
Beautiful Hooks...( And I lost those Hooks !! )
Was briefed on what to expect....
Get the rigs on, Boys!!
Moments before being Suspended...
Getting Psyched Up....
What we've got here? I am Flying !!
Rock On !! Let the Devils OUT !!
I felt so good...
Since, I was having so much fun, I decided to lift Nicci up with me.
Nicci holding on...
Up we go !! Woooot !!
Thank You Nicci for going up with me.. I will love you for this !!
I was having too much fun and I had to come down anyway... Wish I could have stayed up there for few more "DAYS"... hahaha !!
Right up to the roof !!
Nicci checking me out... :P
The most amazing person ever, Nicci... -Thank you for being there and helping me out.-
Nicci and Candy... The Ladies got hooked.. Hahaha !!
Time to take off the hooks...
Squeezing out the bubbles.. OOooo
Patch Em Up
The Hanged Man Team !! Love ya guys !!
I had the best time of my life going through such a great experience. I was pretty much sore the next 2 days but if you ask me if I would do it again? Hell Yeah !! I would never miss it for anything.
I will be updating the work I did on Nicci in a few days or so...
I would like to thank Nicci again, for being such an amazing person. I love ya, babe !! Thank you for all your help even though we didn't get to go out much. I like to thank The Hanged Man team again for making it possible for me. I like to thank all my clients who trusted me to put my works on them. I finally like to thank Jack Daniels and Absinthe for making me go through the nights I wish I didn't live...
It was both a good and bad experience. I did lose the one person I ever loved and cared for but, I also found many others, who love and care for me now. Even though time will heal all wounds, memories will always haunt me...
I do wish Ms.Kim all the best and hope she finds happiness in the "other" party...You will always be remembered.
I am back with an Absinthe Addiction, Hunger for Success and with a New Fucking Lifestyle - To ROCK the World !! Put on your safety belts.. I will take you all for a ride -Winks-
Until next time...
I will be updating the work I did on Nicci in a few days or so...
I would like to thank Nicci again, for being such an amazing person. I love ya, babe !! Thank you for all your help even though we didn't get to go out much. I like to thank The Hanged Man team again for making it possible for me. I like to thank all my clients who trusted me to put my works on them. I finally like to thank Jack Daniels and Absinthe for making me go through the nights I wish I didn't live...
It was both a good and bad experience. I did lose the one person I ever loved and cared for but, I also found many others, who love and care for me now. Even though time will heal all wounds, memories will always haunt me...
I do wish Ms.Kim all the best and hope she finds happiness in the "other" party...You will always be remembered.
I am back with an Absinthe Addiction, Hunger for Success and with a New Fucking Lifestyle - To ROCK the World !! Put on your safety belts.. I will take you all for a ride -Winks-
Until next time...
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