But for the ten people out there who get it, it'll be worth it.
Meryl and I are planning on going to Japan in the near(ish) future,
and one of the things we really want to see is the preserved full body tattooed skins at Tokyo University.
See one here.
All of the skins are from people who died, and donated their bodies to the collection.
I was thinking how there's always lots of skin that gets thrown away even while the person is still living, and how if the opportunity presented itself, I'd love to be able to preserve one of the tattoos I do and display it.
Sure, it's creepy, kinda, but also sooo dope.
So I have this friend who is getting a breast reduction surgery,
and I asked nicely if I might tattoo the spot that is going to be removed,
and then be able to keep it after the doctor does their stuff.
Somehow, both my friend and their doctor were ok with it.
So I did the tattoo tonight, and in three weeks, I'll get it back.
If all goes so well, it'll be preserved and displayed in a shadow box or something inside the shop.

Dear Kevin,
I turned it up as loud as it goes.