and are hanging out with the Hebranks.
(it's a loud time here, for sure)
Today we did some forest trail hiking,
then went to Baltimore's Inner Harbor for dinner
and a lighthouse-turned-museum visit.
This is a screw-pile lighthouse built in 1856,
and was relocated to Pier 5 in 1988.
That's my mom and I, photo by Meryl.

This is the second lighthouse trip in a week,
but the Wisconsin ones were fresh water.
And this, my friends, is the Atlantic Ocean.
We're headed up to Brooklyn tomorrow,
and then Long Island
(where I hope to see at least one more).
Then north to Northampton, MA.
We're staying at the Maynard House, of course,
while I do my Off the Map Tattoo guest spot.
I have 6 super packed tattooing days lined up,
with some of the most fun tattoo ideas I could ask for.
Then to CT for a few days before heading back to MD.
Two weeks, kids.
We don't mess around.
(if you ALSO think lighthouses are sexy,
you can visit this site for a comprehensive listing of them.
and if you go visit some, let me know.)