Tuesday kicked it off with Adam's dead baby bird,
and then there was one bird-ish thing a day for the rest of the week.
Stephanie came by with her 85 year old mom again,
and they both got tattooed.
Stephanie got her owl/cat/mouse scene all filled in,
but I think we're doing other projects before we do a bunch of background.

Pamala finished off my week yesterday with another knitting animal.
This time it was a knitting catbird,
on the opposite forearm of the knitting cat.
Mulberries are fun to tattoo (and so good to eat).
I loved doing these tattoos,
so it's a shame Pamala doesn't have any more tattoo plans for the future.
If anyone knows any rad knitting librarians that want fun tattoos,
send them my way, please.

This peacock feather also got made sometime this week.
There was another one, too,
but apparently I forgot to snap a photo?

Now it's the weekend,
and I'm painting, making clay antlers,
doing drawing, buying old books,
cutting cardboard, and writing press releases.
Having an art show is a lot of work, it seems.
Doesn't help that I'm apparently getting sick.
Hopefully lots of new stuff to show Tuesday.
Otherwise, I'm dead.