I start walking to the shop at 8:40 am.
Today was the first time I've been outside when it hasn't been raining,
so I took some photos along the way.
Moss grows everywhere out here,
and makes for some interesting compositions.

I get to the shop by 9am,
and it opens at 10.
When I got there this morning,
Jeff was putting the finishing touches on his latest painting,
and then took it outside to photograph.

My good friend Johnny drove down from Eugene today,
and he got "Buddy Tattoos" of stinging nettle plants with his pal Ashley.
So I did two of these today,
and worked till 8 something.
Johnny's such a riot,
and we all had a lot of fun.
(except maybe Jeff,
since I kept making his client laugh with my dumb stories,
and that doesn't make tattooing a bazillion dragon scales any easier)

Tomorrow's a painting day,
and I'm super excited for it.
Hopefully I'll have something to show tomorrow night.