Three Footed.

If you have a foot fetish,
you missed out hard yesterday by not being at Identity Tattoo
I tattooed three feet,
and three feet only.

Ben got his tribute to pancake breakfast started,
and we outlined and shaded both feet.
I can't wait to give those some color in a few weeks.

Bex wanted a chubby little owl,
to go with the rest of the chubby animals she has.
Actually, some of them are just downright fat.
This was super fun to do,
even if tattooing a foot isn't the easiest body part to tattoo.
(or get tattooed)
But they both did well,
and I didn't get any kicks to the face.

Weekend time, now.
Less feet in my immediate future,
more catching up on stuff before I head out West again.
I'll be doing a guest spot at GogueArt June21rst-24th,
and I'll post about that more in a bit.