Happy Winter Solstice, everyone.
The first day of winter,
and the Dark Dark Dark(est) day of the year.
Adam was supposed to fly out to MPLS on Sunday,
but the big snowstorm scared Delta into canceling all of their flights.
Then he went back and forth for a while,
and about ten minutes ago I found out he's landing at 1 am tonight.
He spent Xmas out here two years ago at our house,
but we weren't there that time.
No kidding.
He came out here to stay with Shamira (my dog),
and visit some of his
other Minneapolis friends.
I'm excited he'll be here again this year, especially since we will be, too.
I don't really get into Christmas much.
(Meryl and I don't even usually exchange gifts)
But this year seems different.
Meryl decided that since we'd be around this year,
we needed a real tree.
So I bought some old ribbon at the thrift store,
and decorated it up.
We even got a real wreath for the front door.
I think it has something to do with owning a house.
It's got to look good, you know?
Louderhorn Inn is nicely put together,
it's the first day of winter,
and guests are on their way here.
While Adam was busy
not arriving on Sunday,
Meryl and I were in Redwing with
Molly and her husband Ryan.
It was snowing, but not too cold (read: above zero),
so we went for a little hike.
This winter thing hasn't been too bad yet,
but, of course, it's just the beginning.