It looks like we're getting enough snow to last till next December.
We've received 7 inches so far,
and they're promising another 7 today and tomorrow.
Adam made it to Louderhorn Inn just in time to get snowed in again.
But good thing the snow didn't start till last night,
because I packed an entire week of tattooing into just two days.
Almost every time Adam comes to town,
he gets another tattoo.
This year alone I think we've done 5.
An octopus, a narwal, an aircraft exit diagram, and Kissena.
He got a puffin tattoo this trip,
and right before the close of the year.

Sheep goat hybrids are real.
And real dope.
(and real sterile, like mules)
Amanda is sleeving her arm with my weird little animals.
(that's her booby's blue foot right above it)

And Chef Ryan came in to work on his kitchen themed sleeve.
Antique wood stoves are so sexy.

Adam has been insanely helpful with this japan trip coming up.
He's the best ever personal travel agent, for sure.
He's been to Japan three times,
and uses the Google like no one else I've ever seen.
Adam gave us the insider tips,
Meryl found our passports and atm cards,
and Casey's staying at Louderhorn Inn with Shamira while we're gone.
So we're pretty much ready to leave on the 30th,
we just need to pack now.