and they rocked my blues away.
It's so dope having Dark Dark Dark as your home team.
I'll be missing their next show on Sunday,
but it's ok.
Meryl and I will be in Redwing either hiking or letterpressing it up
with Molly and Ryan.
(maybe we'll do both)
Tonight Meryl came up to Identity Tattoo,
and we stayed at the shop late working on her leg piece.
We've lost count on total hours, but we're almost done now,
and we're around 25ish?
Just a little more work in the clouds,
and it'll be DONE.
This photo from immediately afterwards obviously mixes
the old and healed with the new and hurty.
But you get the idea.
And healed photos will be happening once we get back from Japan.
(less than two weeks before we go!)