We then met up with Camden for the Dark, Dark, Dark show.
Not only do Marshall and Nona make beautiful music, but they make amazing art and rafts and boats that they sail down the Mississippi River and around New York City. Folk art, music, building, and community.
Plus, they are two of the nicest people I've ever met.

I had typed out a huge explanation on why I had to find a hole in my bathroom floor that few other full grown people could squeeze into and crawl around underneath my sink and toilet, but it was too bogged down with backstory.
Instead, here's a few facts to go along with the pictures.
1. It gets really cold in Minneapolis.
2. My house is really old, and doesn't always make sense.

This Spring, I will rehab the entire bathroom and rip up whole the floor, but this should solve the pipe freezing problem for now. Thanks tons to Ryan and Todd for always answering my questions, offering their help at all hours of the day, and helping me laugh about the ugly mess of owning a really old house.