Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.
The man had a way with words.
And he got some shit done.
America could have used him being around a lot longer, but we should be grateful here was even here at all.
Happy 80th, dude.
On a completely different note, but a whole 'nother reason to be thankful, today was Mr. George W. Bush's last day in office.
He was never my president, but tomorrow he won't be anyone's.
I'm guessing he knows he's lucky Obama won.
Everyone's so excited and hopeful, they aren't really paying attention to W sneaking out the back door.
Go, dude.
And don't look back.
Most of us at Identity Tattoo were going start attending a weekly live model art session in the Seward neighborhood. It's every Monday, 7-9:30, and only $5 a session? I'm there, every week I'm in town.
Well, I repped Identity Tattoo by myself tonight.
And, man, I was rusty.
By the time this 25 minute pose came along, I was doing a little better, but I think the first few weeks will be a rough reintroduction to life drawing.

Meryl and I met up with a few friends Saturday night at Ann's for an Ugly Sweater party.
Now, usually only vegans care about vegans.
Not Ann.
She made vegan cupcakes just for Meryl and I (the only vegans attending).
And EVERYTHING that was vegan being served at the party was labeled vegan.
That's some serious hosting skills.
But even though Unique Thrift had this ugly woman's xmas sweater in my exact size, I didn't win.
The photo is blurry because Rachel was so cold she couldn't hold the camera steady.
(shoulda worn a sweater!)
Tomorrow is back to work.
On the way to the shop, I'm getting the new girls shirts image printed onto a transparency.
I'll burn the screen tomorrow.
Expect some new threads posted soon.