This time, Friday the 13th lasted an entire week for me.
I'm not kidding.
It certainly wasn't limited to our Not Casual Friday at the shop.
My car blew up before I strutted around (inside) the shop with my black umbrella.
And my internet at home stopped working the day after.
I'm not really a superstitious kind of dude,
but something out there is making things difficult for me.
But in the middle of this really crappy, bad luck week,
I received the never quiet never soft button packs in the mail.
(4 days late, of course)
But they're so awesome,
it almost makes up for everything else.

Whatever you want to call them,
I think they're dope.
They used to be so huge when I was in high school,
back when I went to hardcore shows.
Every decent band had a few different ones.
Well, never quiet never soft wanted in on the button action.
It's a 5 button pack, and it comes in a plastic sleeve
(not pictured above, for photographic reasons)
Only $5.
You can pick them up at the shop,
or have me mail you one (or ten).
Limited to 100 packs, so get on it.