the "I love dead birds" bumper sticker finally got an upgrade.

I also ordered more of the "dead birds are sexy" stickers,
as well as some stuff for Never Quiet, Never Soft.
It's almost the 11th,
which is when everything NQNS is unveiled.
October is going to be a busy month tattoo-wise.
I'll be doing the Minneapolis Tattoo Convention the 8th-10th,
and then the New Orleans Tattoo Convention October 29th-31rst.
I have openings for the New Orleans one,
let me know if you want a spot.
New Orleans during Halloween gets pretty crazy
(they even have a parade).
Meryl and I will be working in costume,
staying with friends,
and hitting up as much of the city as possible.
I visited once before Katrina,
but Meryl's never been,
so we're both really excited.
I'll have stickers at Identity Tattoo and both conventions,
and I'm also willing to mail some out.
Just let me know.