After working/traveling/working 18 days in a row,
I was really looking forward to my first couple days off.
I was going to write this Portland blog post then,
but it was the worst weekend ever.
I should have just kept working.
No kidding, I even got into a minor car accident.
But don't worry,
I went back to work right away,
and pretended it didn't happen.
Anyway, Portland was awesome.
My people out there are the best.
I got to hang out with Elias and his housemates,
and it just so happened that everyone swung into town that week.
Optic Nerve Tattoo is a super great shop,
but almost everyone was on vacation or away while I was there.
(maybe they called my references)
A big thank you to them for hosting me.
Korel came down from Olympia to start her peahen/peacock tattoo.
We're sleeving her right arm,
and got the outline mostly taken care of the first day.
I had a few cancelations,
so when Summer came in Day 2 for her 41rst birthday tattoo,
I was happy to accommodate.
We drew on a big phoenix in sharpie,
changed the head,
and tattooed for a couple hours.
But, since I don't live nearby,
and a half-finished chest piece is hardly a way to celebrate,
Summer came back in the next day,
and we finished it up.
For reals, kids.
They don't make many this tough.
I did my best to incorporate all her other tattoos,
cleaned up parts, covered others.
Happy Birthday, Summer.

Portland is amazing,
once you see past some of the hipsterdom.
There's beautiful things and amazing people everywhere,
and a sign that says 'vegan' in every place you go.
I'm sure come January,
Meryl and I will be spending lots of time there,
and I know a little basement bedroom that's just perfect.
Thanks again to everyone that got tattooed,
showed me around,
gave me a ride,
and let me share their space.