Why haven't I been posted all about it for the last week?
I got hammered by some evil plague,
and I was too wiped out to paint.
Or do anything other than sleep,
and try to outlast my fever.
All I know is that I rarely get sick.
So rarely, in fact,
that I believe that when I called out sick Tuesday,
it was my first sick day, ever.
I mean, I've called out before.
Just never from being too ill to work.
I'm hopefully almost better now.
(i certainly don't have time to not be better)
I'm way behind with this art show stuff,
so instead of showing hints and teasers of my stuff today,
I'll show the 5 boxes that arrived at Identity Tattoo from Albie Rock.
Yeah, they are taller than me.
6 feet of boxed up art.

You know those sexy art dolls Albie makes?
(like the one on the front of the flier)
Well, we got tons more of those for the show.
And these are so dope.
I've never seen any of these before,
(almost nobody has)
so i'm glad they made the trip out to MPLS.
Bring your wallets, kids,
so that they don't have the make the return trip.
Traveling is a bitch.