I've been busy,
but don't have too much to show for it yet.
Started a lot of new fun tattoo projects,
but haven't really finished much.
Those bigger pieces are slow going, you know?
Today was the start of my weekend.
Ryan took Meryl and I out for brunch,
then we hit up the Minneapolis Institute of Arts,
and saw the AMAZING paintings of Margaret Wall-Romana
(she's my new favorite artist)
and then headed to the NE to talk about upcoming art projects.
(skunk apes on the horizon)
But the best part of today is that it's Jaime's birthday!
She's so rad.
Her and Amy flew out from Northampton, MA
just to help us put up the NQNS show.
(and it turned out she was an expert at putting cardboard siding on birdhouses)
You really can't ask for better friends than that.
So "Happy Birthday, Jaime!"
I hope you had a beautiful day.