but here at Louderhorn Inn,
there's always something absurd going down.
(and it usually involves Ryan)
I spent today doing my taxes and mail art and rogue taxidermy.
Ryan is combining an alligator head with a goose body,
(both from old, broken mounts)
and he had to make a new neck for it.
And since he only does the manliest kind of art-making,
he ignored paper-mâché and clay and latex molds,
and made the neck out of spray foam installation instead.
That actually isn't even the whole story, it's worse than that.
He also used glue and sawdust.
No kidding.
And it looks so good.
But it was all yellow and gross colored,
so he asked me to paint it to look alligator-ish.
I think it came out pretty well,
and I can't wait to see the finished mount.
I believe that after we take some professional glamour shots,
this beautiful creature will be up for sale.
I'll keep you posted.