On the Eve of 27.

Tomorrow, April 9th, I turn 27. I got my party hat ready, and I'll rock it all day, for sure. Come stop by the shop and drink a Dr Pepper with me, I have permission to drink as many as I want from the self imposed 4 cans a day limit.
27 is good, though, it feels right. Working at Identity Tattoo is good, my newish neck tattoo belongs there, Meryl and I are buying a house in MPLS, and if I could figure out what to do in place of the missing dreds, I'd be in really good shape.

Todd's birthday was a week or so ago, and I did up this painting for him. I only finished it last night, however, and gave it to him today (still wet). He has a goat fetish, so it was an obvious choice. Oils again, (I'm really putting in an effort), and 8x10.

I got blown off today on a four hour cover up. It was going to be so dope, i did all these awesome drawings for it. I hope he went to some other shop, got it for $50 cheaper, and it looks like poop.