Music Tattoo

Music Tattoo
Music Tattoo
This music tattoo design is the first sketch of what’s bound to become a great tattoo. I like how the design has a three dimensional effect. When it’s inked into someone’s skin, it’s going to look fantastic. Especially if the artist adds a lot of color and shading. I can really imagine getting something like this, but there are other types of designs. Music tattoos come in several different variations. Everything from band logos, music notes, lyrics, and musical instruments to song lyrics and sheets of music. Some music tattoos will depict a person, or figure playing an instrument of the wearer’s choice. These are often seen with a person’s favorite musicianguitarists and classical musicians being the most popular examples of this style. Tattoos, like music, are an art form. And as we are prone to listen to certain songs over and over because of the way they make us feel, we may also feel compelled to get a tattoo to express the very same emotion. It just seems natural to mix these two compelling art forms to convey our deepest feelings. All you have to do is imagine the possibilities and your next great tattoo can become a reality.

Music Tattoo
Music Tattoo
This music tattoo is that of a nautical star surrounded by musical notes. And that makes me think all sorts of things. Perhaps is it meant to symbolize the song one hears in their own heart when they have been away at sea and away from their loved ones for too long and now the time for them to meet once again is very near. As if their ship has just rounded the horn and they can see the harbor and the life they have longed for since they have been gone. Or it could be the loved one watching the same from the harbor and the music they feel inside themselves when they see their loved one’s ship finally returning safely home to them. There’s lots of things this music tattoo could mean.

Yeah, that’s all a bit soapy for a music tattoo, I know. But I think it’s a nice soapy. Nothing wrong with feelings of love. And there’s not a better reason to get a tattoo either. After all, at the end of the day we are nothing without love in our lives. Everyone needs to love and be loved. It is simply part of the human condition. Perhaps the most important part.

Flower Tattoos

Flower Tattoos
Flower Tattoos
Flower tattoos are often highly valued among women looking for their first piece of body art. It’s form and shape reminds us of the gentle platitudes of the female form and for the most part flower tattoos are of a feminine nature. But, the symbolism of the flower tattoo design depends entirely on the color and the genus of flowers indicated. Each indigenous flower has it’s own unique symbolic characteristics. Next to the ubiquitous rose, the iris is the most highly symbolized flower. With Christianity, the triple petals of the Iris came to symbolize the Holy Trinity. The colors of the Iris -blue and white- became associated with the Virgin Mary. The Archangel Gabriel is depicted holding the flower in his hand when he appeared to her, establishing it as a symbol of purity. In Medieval England, noblewomen often took the Iris as a symbol of virtue and had its image incorporated into their personal seal. The Violet, Hyacinth, and Narcissus are all flowers with names derived from Greek mythology. The Violet, for instance, took its name from the little nymph Io, much loved by Zeus. To avoid his wife’s jealousy, Zeus changed Io into a heifer and put her in a field of sweet purple violets!

Flower Tattoos
Flower Tattoos
This is a perfect example of a flower tattoo that is rich in symbolism. Depicted in the photo is a cherry blossom being suckled by a butterfly. Both the flower and the butterfly are quite symbolic on their own merit but when combined a whole new dimension is added. The cherry blossom is a symbol of female beauty and sexuality. It’s also a symbol of the fragility of life. Everything that was ever born will die and that is reflected in the frail, but beautiful pale petals of the cherry blossom. It was a symbol that is favored among the Samurai nobles of ancient japan. It reminded them that everyday death is beckoning to them and that one day they will have to face their mortality. The butterfly is also a symbol of the feminine gender but it’s also a symbol of the impermanent and fleeting. When combined the two symbols in one flower tattoo represent the fleeting nature of physical beauty and sexuality. This flower tattoo expresses the divine beauty of youth which will eventually come to an end. It is reminiscent of the spring which burst forth ripe with color and then slowly fades as the seasons transition to summer, then fall and eventually winter.

Female Tattoos With Tattoos For Girls Specially Feet Bird Tattoos And Flower Feet Tattoo designs Gallery

Female Tattoos With Tattoos For Girls Specially Feet Bird Tattoos designs GalleryFemale Tattoos With Tattoos For Girls Specially Feet Bird Tattoos designs Gallery

Female Tattoos With Tattoos For Girls Specially Feet Flower Tattoos designs GalleryFemale Tattoos With Tattoos For Girls Specially Feet Flower Tattoos designs Gallery

Female Tattoos With Tattoos For Girls Specially Feet Butterfly Tattoos designs GalleryFemale Tattoos With Tattoos For Girls Specially Feet Butterfly Tattoos designs Gallery

Peace Tattoos

Peace Tattoos
Peace Tattoos
Tattoos are great for expressing your individuality the way that you want. Its a technique of marking the skin with colors, to create artwork on your body. This peace sign tattoo might possibly be the special body art you’ve been seeking. But before you walk into a tattoo studio you need to have already decided you want a peace sign design, you’re in luck as we have many designs on hand available for you. Check it out, but bare in mind that a tattoo is long term. When making the decision on choosing the right peace sign tattoo design, it isn’t usually that straightforward. Another option is to get a fake peace sign tattoo that would only last a few days. Wearing a great looking peace sign tattoo should make you more attractive towards others, make people you are interested in intrigued towards you, make other people interested in talking about it and help you to be diverse and stand out from the crowd, and feel all the better for it. This peace sign tattoo in the picture looks good on many different types of people, men and women alike. You should ask your friends what they think before making your decision.

Peace Tattoos
Peace Tattoos
Now this is very nice, I think I saw something like this on some girl I knew in Sacramento years ago. Some peace tattoos I have seen over the years have looked very gaudy, but this one brings my hippy days back to mind. I remember one time when I was at the old Filmore down in san Francisco, this pot smoking dude had a couple great looking peace tattoos on his back and the girls were going crazy over him because he was the hippest looking dude at the concert. I personally think chicks look the best with peace tattoos on their shoulders and buttocks, I guess I’m just an old hippy down deep.
This tattoo has some hot yellow and red colors that really make it stand out and the way they blend with each other is outstanding. Sooner or later I will go get a few peace tattoos but I will have mine done in a blend of blues and greens, just seems like those colors would stand out better on pale white skin. Sometimes I think about having one of these tattoos designed but making the peace sign upside down, now that would drive some tattoo lovers over the edge.

Lion Tattoos

Lion Tattoos
Lion Tattoos
The lion tattoo is often a beautiful and contradictory symbol in tattooing today. These creatures embody pride, strength, nobility and loyalty. Yet, at the same time they can be symbols of savagery, fear and are sometimes depicted as being vain. The Lion was often used as a symbol of Royalty, as in many cultures it was considered the "King of the Beasts". In early Christianity, as Jesus was seen to be the "King of Kings", he was often represented by a Lion, and a Lion was the symbol of St. Mark. The Lion is mentioned many times in the Bible and the time when a Lion lays with a Lamb is seen as the dawning of a New Age. In African cultures the Lion was a powerful symbol in many Creation Myths, as both Creator and Destructor, and in some cultures the Lion figured prominently in rites of passages to becoming a man and full-fledged warrior. To kill a lion single-handedly was the height of prowess for a hunter. But in many African fables the Lion is often depicted as a vain, arrogant creature who is often out-witted by smaller more clever creatures. So, as you can clearly see the lion tattoo has many different meanings to different people.

Lion Tattoos
Lion Tattoos
Very few things in history have stood for as much as the lion when it comes to tattoos, or any other sort of thing. At one time or another the lion has been worshipped and revered by many of the peoples throughout this world. Firstly is the obvious. When you see lion tattoos you think of speed, agility, the king of the beasts and all of that good stuff. Including of course the lion as the astrological symbol of Leo and as such represents the sun.
The lion tattoos also stand for power and courage and everybody likes to be thought of as these things so that could be one reason why lion tattoos are so popular. This particular picture of a lion tattoo is a nice one. It’s a lion who seems to be sitting in contentment as it looks out over it’s domain, knowing it has nothing out there to fear. But just like it sits there content we can see in its eyes that this cat is not to messed with in any way, shape or form. The best advice would be to walk around and give it a wide birth. Maybe that’s what people with lion tattoos are saying to others. Leave me alone and you’ll be better off.

Types Of Tribal Tattoo

Tribal Tattoo designs


Tribal Tattoo designs

The Tribal tattoo designs always look great and it also contains deeper meaning. There are wide choices available in tribal tattoo designs according to the taste and preferences of customer. The different types of tribal tattoo designs are of sun, star, religious symbol and zodiac designs. Each of the tribal design has its own unique meaning and apart from that these tattoos are also used in the form of mark affiliation with spiritual, religious or magical beliefs.

The best part about the Tribal tattoo designs is that they are adaptable on any part of the body whether it is on back or shoulder. The tattoo looks absolutely creative. You can also even make a unique chain of tribal sun and star in the form of tribal design tattoos.

The most popular choice among tribal design tattoos is zodiac tribal tattoos. The zodiac is called as the first celestial coordinate system. Apart from that Roman and Greek is also very much in demand as tribal design tattoos. The zodiac design of roman and Greek leaves an astrological meaning.

Tribal Tattoo designs

Tribal designs tattoos are always represents a religious meaning from past several years. People choose tribal design tattoos to present the religious beliefs in the primitive form with the help tribal tattoo of religious symbols. The key of tribal design tattoo is to make sure that symbol you create in the form of tribal design tattoo should be meaningful. You can choose any type of tribal art tattoo that matches perfectly with your body and makes you look good.

Tribal Tattoo designs

Wolf Tattoos

Wolf Tattoos
Wolf Tattoos
This looks like the king of all wolf tattoos. The image of a somewhat docile wolf which is wearing the war bonnet headset of a Native American Indian Chief. I don’t know if the American Indians considered the wolf cunning enough to depict him as their great leader but if so it certainly would not surprise me a bit. In many cases, they did have a similar type of personality profile. Cunning, strong and solitary. Able to lead others and fight in packs but always ready to fight alone if necessary. And also somewhat of an outcast, or an outsider looking from the outside in rather then the reverse. A lot the Indian braves were very much like this indeed and so then was the wolf himself.

These wolf tattoos were in fact very popular among American Indians and still are. They do consider the wolf all of these things and more and even believe that in many ways the wolves fate is tied to their own. A master of survival and cunning, and yet very social animals, the wolf stands for many of the things that these people hold dear to their own hearts.

Wolf Tattoos
Wolf Tattoos
Wolf tattoos have a unique place because the wolf itself means many things to many people. It can be a pest and threat to the owners of livestock, while having spiritual meaning to tribal societies, which consider having a powerful spirit connected to it. What I would like to see more of with the wolf tattoo is a full body in attack or hunting mode. There’s a little of that in some of the wolf tattoo designs, but no where near what it could have been. Wolves are one of the most ferocious killing machines in the wild, and to not take account of that loses some of the drama and power that an image could capture. At the same time, some do convey the teeth of the wolves correctly, and those are strong images. Be far the ‘howling at the moon’ wolf tattoo is the most popular wolf tattoo, and while it would have to be part of the wolf tattoo genre, I would go another way if I was going to have a wolf inked on me. But that’s obviously personal taste, so it’s not right or wrong in that sense, but I would have it hovering over something it just killed to eat, or something like that, rather than simply standing howling with a moon in the background.

Armband Tattoos

Armband Tattoos
Armband Tattoos
Armband tattoos are some of the most popular type of tattoo designs to this day. If you think about it the reasons are pretty clear. The armband tattoo can make a very sharp statement and it’s also one that can be proudly shown when the person wants to, but it can also be hidden the sleeves of your shirt if you need to. Armband tattoo designs can be as complicated as the person wants them to be. Finally, armband tattoos can look good on members of either sex, men or women. Another great thing about an armband tattoo is that armband tattoo designs run the gambit among many different styles. A whole lot of different and varied designs can be used with as much or as little detail as the bearer wants. That’s why Celtic armband tattoos have become the rage, because of the complexity of the design. I particularly like the chain link effect of Celtic tattoo designs. The armband tattoo in the picture is a perfect example. It combines the tradition Celtic knot work into a design that is both striking and very original. And I like the way the ends curl up to make "devils horns". I think it’s a classic example of what can be done with an armband tattoo.

Armband Tattoos
Armband Tattoos
There are many different types of traditional armband tattoos. There are tribal and Celtic armband tattoos and of course popular Polynesian designs, which is where the armband tattoo originated from. Armband tattoos have been used for centuries in the Polynesian islands, and because of the exploration that went on in the seventeenth century, the idea was brought to Europe around that time. Today’s Hawaiian band tattoos are a remnant of that ancient tradition. Of course, the Polynesian islanders used a different tattooing technique, a very painful one in fact, where a shark’s tooth was sometimes used to pierce the skin. Their tribal armband tattoos would still be much admired however. In fact, modern armband tattoo designs incorporate many elements of these traditional Polynesian designs. Among the Hawaiians and the other Polynesian islanders, an armband tattoo showed rank or status. Interestingly, they had much the same function as armbands sewn onto military uniforms. So, that’s a possible symbolism you can include into your armband tattoo design. But, regardless of what meaning you attribute to them, armband tattoos will probably remain one of the most popular types of tattoo, because of their high visual impact and the great range of images that can be adapted to this type of tattoo.

Cute Feminim Tattoo

feminin tattoos
Cute Feminim Tattoo

feminin tattoos on lower back

feminin tattoos
feminin tattoos on lower back

If it looks like a duck...

Kyle Mack is a character.
He came up with the basic idea of a duck with weird legs,
illustrating that on the surface everything would look normal,
but underneath would be a different story.
I think it's another version of his wolf in penguin clothes idea.
(he can't help it)
But this time we didn't tattoo it on Kyle,
Mike Shoemaker took it.
(and he's a character, too)

Thanks Kyle,
your absurdist mutterings inspire me greatly.

And thanks to Mike,
for always being up for something fun on you forever.

Cute angel back tattoo for girls

Cute angel back tattoo
Cute Memorial angel back tatoo

Memorial tattoo

Memorial tattoo If you are considering a memorial tattoo, take your time. This is a choice that will be with you for the rest of your life, and it's worth taking some time to consider.

Zodiac Tattoo : Variations of Tattoo design


Zodiac logo for tattoos are very popular and Zodiac triball or Zodiac Celtic are some of the variations. They can be combined with other designs such as the flowers, hearts, skulls, crosses, fairies, suns, moons and stars and can really look striking. They are popular because they relate to one's birthday or astrological signs.There are twelve signs of the zodiac namely Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Here Some Pictures About Nice Zodiac Tattoo Design

aries-tattoo-zodiac.jpg taurus-tattoos.jpg gemini-tattoos.jpg scorpio-tattoos-2.jpg

Don't knock my smock....

You know I like Dark Dark Dark.
That's been mentioned before.
But last night I had such good company:
Ryan, Rebecca, Camden, and Meryl all joined me for the show.
The stage was packed,
since everyone was in town to record the new album this week.
They even had a 6 person choir singing along.
So f'n good.

That's not a brutal tooth cleaning I'm giving that bear.
I'm helping Ryan tan the hide of some unfortunate roadkill.
We don't exactly know what we're doing.
(I've only taxidermied birds and boobs before)
But he ordered a box full of supplies from Van Dykes,
and bought us matching aprons.
We spent the first half of the day dulling up some scalpels,
and being fully grossed out.
Not a bad way to spend a cold Monday in Minneapolis.
Even for a vegan.

Trend Celebrity Tattoo Design

There is several female celebrity hollywood has own tattoo design for them self.and tattoo is a the trend on celebrity like Victoria Beckham,Megan Fox,Amy Winhouse and many other name of female hollywood stars has created tattoo on their body.what kind tattoo design on these celebrity tattoo body ? here some tattoo picture about them.

Victoria Beckham Tattoo

tattoo-of-victoria-beckham-neck.jpg victoria-beckham-tattoo-hands.jpg

Amy Winhouse Tattoo

amy-winehouse-tattoo.jpg amy-winehouse-tattoo-arm.jpg

Megan Fox Tattoos

megan-fox-tattoos.jpg megan+fox+gilded+butterflies+tattoo.jpg

Hawaiian flower Tattoo Design

Tribal flower tattoos design pictures 3

Hawaiian flower is the symbol of grace and beauty. They represent the beautiful islands, beautiful weather,and natural.hawaii flower tattoo design might mean that you want to honor your Hawaiian ancestors, that you have significant memories related to the country, or that you are simply someone who wants to make a smooth grace as a permanent part of your life. Nothing wrong with you wearing this tattoo design.

Here Some Hawaii Flower Tattoo Picture

tribal_flower_tattoo.jpg back-flower-tattoo_Picture-4.jpg simple-flower-tattoo-idea.jpg flower-lily-tattoo-design.jpg

Artistic Celebrity Tattoos

Best women tattoo design - Artistic Celebrity Tattoos
Women with star tattoos
Best women tattoo design - Artistic Celebrity Tattoos
Women tribal tattoos
Best women tattoo design - Artistic Celebrity Tattoos
Glamor women star tattoos
Best women tattoo design - Artistic Celebrity Tattoos
Celebrity bird tattoos
Best women tattoo design - Artistic Celebrity Tattoos
Women back tattoos

Trinity Symbol (triquetra) Meaning

To the prehistoric Celtic mind, it may what's more show the astrophysical or solar phases. This winding up is ready as we see the trinity/triquetra motif alongside extra solar and planetary cipher in ancient remants and archeological digs.

Validating this theory, we know the Celts honored the Great shank Mother, a planetary supernatural being who was in fact three personifications in one (three lunar phases and faces of the goddess).

The Celtic symbol for trinity may in addition be valid to the three Bridgits. Bridgit is one commanding goddess (aspect of Danu), who embodies three aspects which are: Art, therapeutic, Metalsmithing

The circle time and again seen duchess in this area the triquetra signifies the infinite and eternity. It as well represents protection. Circles are over and over again drawn around Celtic knots to epitomize spiritual unity with the devine - a bond with the purpose of shall cannot be broken.

This large array of interpretations reminds us that the meanings of these engaging knots are not set in stone. As mentioned, imprecise miscellany of historical records on the matter causes us to use our own powers of deduction.

This isn't a bad thing. The exact statement so as to the Celtic bulge implication is so indescribable makes more extent for fairy-tale and disuniting allows for personal expansion. In short, let your mind's eye mount as contemplating Celtic art, knotwork or symbolism. Your own version determination finally be your preeminent guide, and the individual solution you need.

Angelina Jolie Tattoos

Angelina Jolie Lower back tattoo designs


Angelina Jolie Lower back tattoo designs

Lower back tattoos are the most popular tattoo among all tattoo designs. This type of design usually prefers by the women on the intimate locations that gives a wide room for self expression. The lower back tattoo designs look stunning when it is done in a right manner.

Lower back tattoos are usually placed in the anterior locations as a body decoration to make it more attractive. Lower back tattoos also reflect the glimpse of symbolism. It is usually placed on the top or back of the buttocks to accentuate the hourglass shape of female. The best part about the lower back tattoo designs that it can be easily hidden at office during the work hours or any other place according to your wish.

Some of the popular lower back tattoo designs are flower designs which are always the first choice of women. Apart from that dolphin tattoos also looks good on lower back and gives a cute impression. Another popular tattoo design is tribal design which is the most common type of lower back design. Some of varieties in tribal designs are Celtic, sun; star mostly got inspiration from Polynesia. Dragon tattoo design also look adventurous and fantastic on body which is also a part of lower back tattoo designs.

Angelina Jolie Lower back tattoo designs

Many of the celebrities prefer lower back tattoos as it looks more fashionable and also becomes popular among the teen girls especially. The two words feminine and sensual greatly expressed through lower back tattoo and also considered as the seat from the side of female which is kind of universal force called Shakti or kundalini.