Queer for Homophones

Pi Day is coming up this Sunday, March 14th.
(get it? 3.14?)

But since Dark Dark Dark leaves for tour between now and then,
we celebrated a little early.
Consider it Pi Week, maybe.
Just look at this spread.
(and Meryl didn't even get them all in the photo)

Meryl spent a bunch of time making two different savory pies,
and they were so good.
So good.

So there's still plenty of snow around.
But Spring is here, kids.
Even in Minneapolis.

I know the blogging has been a bit slow lately,
but I assure you I'm still tattooing.
Tax returns are keeping me busy at the shop,
and all of my "time off" is spent putting some big projects together.
I'll have lots to show for it soon.