I tattooed poor Spencer for 7 hours yesterday.
He only has one other tattoo,
and that one took less than 2 hours,
so this was a whole new kind of fun.
A creepy skull tree sitting on a ravine tattoo.
(con mushrooms)

Immediately following his tattoo,
tornado sirens started going off,
and the sky was so apocalyptic looking.
I didn't get a good photo of the weird greenish clouds happening
since I was trying to avoid hail stone marks on my camera (and face),
but by the time I got to MCBA,
things were looking pretty different.

I then helped Meryl finish up our latest mail art,
which you'll either receive in your mailbox,
or be able to check out here in a week or so.
This is also the very last photo ever taken of Meryl in her 20's.
She's officially 30 years old today!