Today, January 7th, is a very important day in Bat-History! The Actor, Alan William Napier-Clavering, was born today in 1903. Of course we all knew him has the ever-loyal "Alfred The Butler" on the 1966 BATMAN TV Series. He was perfect for the role and for sentimental "childhood memory" reasons he has always been my favorite "Alfred".
Once, when asked how he got the role, he said, "I had never read comics before I was hired for Batman. My agent rang up and said, 'I think you are going to play on "Batman,"' I said 'What is "Batman"?' He said, 'Don't you read the comics?' I said, 'No, never.' He said, 'I think you are going to be Batman's butler.' I said, 'How do I know I want to be Batman's butler?' It was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard of. He said, 'It may be worth over $100,000.' So I said I was Batman's butler."
Sadly, Alan Napier passed away on August 8th, 1988 but lived a good life to the ripe-old age of 85. He will forever be missed. Somehow, I hope he knew that he brought a lot of joy to the world while he was here, may he rest in peace.
OK, as sort of a tribute, up above is an ALFRED WALLPAPER you can use to brighten your desktop. Also, look down below for a funny YouTube clip I found featuring "Alfred vs. The Joker", enjoy.