Over at Artist NEAL ADAMS Website ( NealAdams.Com ) they now have an EXCLUSIVE Sketchbook that you can only get there! I'm serious, they will not be selling this special book at Retail Stores or Comic Book Conventions! It's very limited to only 500 copies & once they're gone that's it! The book will also be signed and numbered. Plus, something cool is the price is pretty decent too, only $20.00. Now, I've been told that only 4 pages will be BATMAN related but there is also plenty of other great artworks to enjoy. The photo we show here, of the classic "Train Wreck" scene from BATMAN: ODYSSEY, is in there! This book ships around February 10th, 2012. So, this is a Pre-Order Only at this time. Grab your low number now. Oh yeah, it has 32 Black & White Pages and a Color Cover.
For more info check out NEALADAMS.COM