Greetings Good Citizens. You might remember the BAT-BLOG hyping the Event of the Century, AN EVENING WITH ADAM WEST! Well, it happened a few days ago & the show totally sold-out. Yes, it was a complete success! But, if you're like me and couldn't go because it was so far away, the good news is you can hear the interview as an Online Podcast! I checked it out last night & it's extremely entertaining. They went through Adam West's very long career and it was a lot of fun. Not as great as actually being there, but really, it's cool! Plus, I don't want to spoil anything but within the interview Mr. West shared some extremely important news that every Bat-Fan is gonna love! It totally blew me away!
Here's a LINK ( Click Here ) to listen to the Podcast. You can listen for free online or you can download it from iTunes for a small donation of $2.00 or more. The donations, like the money raised from the event, all go towards helping to pay for Adam West's Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.