In Australia there is a very talented Graphic Artist named Dr. Faustus who has done some amazing parodies of Dr. Seuss Artwork that is Batman-related! I've been a HUGE Dr. Seuss Fan forever and even collect the books plus a few vintage toys. Reading his books at age 4 gave a life-long LOVE of reading and that's a debt I can never repay. I'm very proud to say that I have a RARE 1957 First Edition Hardback with Dust-Jacket Copy of "THE CAT IN THE HAT", a True Literary Classic! Now, I'm not trying to brag, ha ha, I just want people to know that I'm pretty serious about my love of anything DR SEUSS!
So, you can only imagine how I feel about this artwork, it's INSANELY GREAT! First, as a parody, they're just funny. The one of TWO-FACE really cracks me up for some reason & the CATWOMAN Cat-Suit is wonderful. But the thing that makes them true masterpieces of ART is the ultra-fine details in copying the exact drawing style of Seuss! Faustus has done some other parodies, which are worth mentioning, but because we focus on "Batman" here I'll just post this LINK, please click it to see more great stuff!