DC Entertainment and Warner Brothers have created a Campaign to help fight the hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa. It's called "WE CAN BE HEROES" and it will use the JUSTICE LEAGUE characters as a vehicle (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg).
WE CAN BE HEROES will support the efforts of three humanitarian aid organizations working in Africa: Save the Children, International Rescue Committee and Mercy Corps.
The region is suffering its worst drought and famine in over 60 years, with 13 million in need of critical assistance and 250,000 facing starvation in Somalia alone.

Basically, if I got the information right, DC Entertainment will match each dollar donated until two million dollars has been distributed over the next two years. One way they will be raising funds is through the sale of special merchandise. This includes a WE CAN BE HEROES T-Shirt ( shown up above ), an iPhone Cover, Water Bottle, and Ceramic Coffee Mug. You can make direct donations, learn more about the project, or purchase the special items via their WE CAN BE HEROES website, click here.