This day in Bat-History is special because today would have been Eartha Kitt's 85th Birthday. Sadly, she passed away on December 25th, 2008 at the age of 81. I can count back on that that day now and think about it. I was doing the BAT-BLOG pretty heavy at the time it happened and remember how weird it felt that she died on Christmas. That made the news twice as sad. She is deeply missed.
Of course her place in Bat-History is the fact that she took over the role of CATWOMAN in the 3rd and final season of the 1966 BATMAN TV Show. She replaced Julie Newmar who could not be placed in that season because of previous contract agreements and Eartha Kitt was pppuuurrffeecct! She totally got into the character and also had a really great voice. Check out the video below for a few highlights: