visited MPLS this weekend,
and I gave him a little mail/mail-art inspired tattoo.
We tucked it around a few other tattoos on his wrist,
and I think that pretty much finished off that sleeve.
We've been internet friend for 6 years or so,
so it was cool to have brunch and hang out irl finally.

Speaking of mail-art,
after 10 years of sending art through the mail,
Meryl and I finally committed to a name for what we do,
and even set up a little blog.
We'll only post after we assume that everyone has received it,
as to not spoil the surprise of getting mail in the first place.
Four-Letter Press.
(or, Four-Letter Qress if you're rushing)
Meryl's Mom and Jim are also in town this week,
and they brought with them raspberry bushes from the farm.
We planted a whole row of them in the backyard,
and look forward to them producing some fruit in the next year or so.
It's kind of Spring here now,
but it snowed on Friday,
and there's plans for more snow tonight and tomorrow.
Not my plans, of course,
but it's happening all the same.
So we're having a little fire in the backyard tonight,
(a la albie rock)
and hopefully that will deter the snow gods from spiting us again.
I mean, it's late April.
Enough already.