I think today was one of my favorite work days ever.
First, I got to hang out with Robyn from MA,
and tattoo these raspberries on the back of her neck.
I met her a few years ago at Off the Map,
and then she moved out here for a boy.
It's a small world, after all, kids.
And t's good to have some East Coasters around at all times,
otherwise you might get soft and midwesterny.

Next, Hannah finally came in to get her lady statue backpiece thing worked on.
It's been like 8 or more months since we did the first session.
And that's just not acceptable.
But I got to work on it for a solid 4 hours tonight,
and it's moving right along.
But no photos till it's done.
I'm pretty sure it's going to be one of my most favorite pieces.
Shop Adam is here at Louderhorn Inn tonight.
We're having a sleepover.
(I even brought out the old photo albums)
In less than 5 hours we are meeting up again for breakfast,
and then I'm dropping him off at the airport.
We'll miss him at the shop Friday and Saturday,
but next week he starts his full time routine at Identity Tattoo.
I know!
So rad.
We needed more Adam at the shop,
and he had room for more of us, apparently.
Luckily I don't have to suffer too long in an Adamless shop tomorrow,
I'll be leaving early to attend a poetry reading Meryl is in.
And since it's Friday,
I'll already be dressed up.
Tired and ugly, perhaps,
but at least I'll have a tie on.