Baby Portfolios of Cuteness

This is the 500th post.

Which normally would be an accomplishment to be proud of,

but I'm friends with Albie Rock, kids,

and he's way ahead.

Like 800 posts ahead.

And he started after me, too,

at the less-than-gentle prodding of yours truly.

(really, i just started it for him one day)

And since there's no catching up,

500 is just a minor milestone along the way.

But anyway,

since I'm heading to Oregon to work at GogueArt for 3 months,

and having to build a mostly new clientele out there,

I decided to make up these mini portfolios sans shop info.

Just links to where I live in the online world,

my website, this blog, tumblr, etc.

That little thing on the front is a qr code for all your robotphones,

and sends you directly to when scanned.

For some reason I didn't take a photo of the backside

(and that's always the best part, right?)

The idea came from my Japan trip a year and a half ago.

There was a shop there called Cat's Claw that gave away printed portfolios,

and a restaurant that had a mini accordion style menu.

You combine those two ideas,

and ask the awesome Robyn Seguin for her graphic/layout expertise,

and this happens.

You need some printed material, too?

Email her:

She has a lot of skills with this type of thing,

she just doesn't tell anyone.