Brand New Skin

When J.L. was 2 years old,

she got hot grease spilled onto her chest,

and it scarred up pretty seriously.

28 years later she decided to get the spot tattooed,

and in two sessions we put some waves there.

Not to hide them, per se,

but instead to put something there she'd rather see

when she looked in the mirror.

The scar tissue was really varied in thickness and texture,

(notice the shininess in spots)

and some areas gave me a lot of trouble.

This photo is not long after the second session,

so some of the waves are fully healed,

while the bottom and ones on the left are fresh

(and thus darker right now).

It was a really interesting project,

and I'm happy with how it turned out.

(and the little bit of tie-in to the swirly tattoo on the right)

I don't usually tattoo over burn scars due to their inconsistent nature,

but this worked out well.

Thanks to J.L. for her patience and trust.