full moon over minneapolis

It's a big, beautiful, full moon out tonight.

I took Shamira for a walk around Powderhorn Park

when I got home from work,

and it was so bright.

Which was good, because it helped me not step on any of the frogs (toads?)

that weren't trying very hard not to get stepped on.

I got to end my week on a positive note* with this half sleeve.

No joke, the only direction I was given was "something pretty".

And then this happened.

Handsome Adam was a little trigger happy with the camera today,

so I have some nice progress shots.

(thanks adam!)

Stencil/marker, in progress, and final product.

6 hours total.











*thank goodness, too.

because, man, one of friday's appointments

brought me right to the brink of crazy.

it wasn't pretty.

i somehow even lost my dress shirt, but kept the tie on.

and then went to go scrub tubes to calm down.

check out how defeated i look.

well, i know, i always kinda look like that.

but trust me,

i was not amused.

but no matter how bad it was,

it was still only the third worst client experience i've ever had.

you know connecticut still holds first AND second place in terrible tattoo getters.
