Not Allowed in Hawaii

Oh man,
I forgot my memory [card] at work today,
so here's just a cellphone photo of the baby hedgehog tattoo I did.
It's probably better than any of the real camera shots I took, anyway.
{edit: nope, this real photo is WAY better, so i got rid of the cellphone one}

I did it on a day off because Rebecca leaves for Hawaii tomorrow.
But don't worry, she's planning on hanging out for a few months,
so I don't have to fret about her exposing it to the sand and sun while it heals.
She's moving out there to keep the Cucch company,
but we're all invited.
(except for your hedgehogs, they are illegal)
Meryl and I already have tickets (no kidding).
Christmas in Hawaii, kids.
Like pizza in Minnesota;
it exists, but it's weird and out of place.

I also got my foot tattoo finished,
so it's back to sexy gladiator sandals for the next few days.
(good thing it'll be a high of 34° tomorrow)
I have no idea what's on the books for tomorrow tattoo-wise,
but Handsome Adam is back at the shop,
so the day is starting with coffee,
and a grapefruit juice chaser.
Got to start the week off right....