Stealing Shiny Shit

Liz got her magpie and pendant tattoo yesterday.
It looked all red and hurty when we were done,
so I asked her to stop back in today so I could grab another photo.
Unfortunately, the best one I took came out blurry.
So, here's them both,
and you get the idea.
I also tattoo her brother-in-law on Saturday,
so I'll try for a third time, then,
if it's not too peely and gross.

One more week left at Identity Tattoo (for a while).
It doesn't quite feel real yet...
but I'm about to send out a big deposit for our "vacation home" rental,
and that is certainly helping it all seem less pretend.

We're a bunch of stressed out weirdies at Louderhorn Inn these days.
We've got multiple to-do lists,
but there's not enough coffee or hours in the day to get it all done.
It'll be less sleep and more yelling then normal.
My apologies to the last few people getting tattooed by me before I leave.
It's a Rocky Horror sing-a-long from here on out,
(no matter WHAT is playing on the stereo)
happy holidays.