"This is the light that shines..

...and I can see the pines are dancing."

Handsome Adam got his full birthday present now,
since I spent part of my day off tattooing his second hand.
He got the moth almost a week ago,
and we finished it all up today with the mason jar lantern on his left hand.
(the left side of the jar isn't warped in real life, just in the photo)

The strangest part of it all
(other than knowingly f'n up your friend's future)
was trying to work with what he already had.
Mr Todd Lambright had done both of Adam's existing sleeves,
and uses really saturated, vibrant colors
(and I usually do the complete opposite).
But we had to blend it all together,
so this lantern tattoo has a red background,
and the moth has a blue one to match what was already there.
Here's his naked hands to show where we started from.

A few people turned me on to A.A. Bondy this week,
so here I am passing on the favor.
He'll be in town November 5th at the 7th St Entry.
I'll be doing one of my "elevens" tattoos that day,
but be sure I'll be attending this that evening.