Cute for cuteness' sake
I'm making new stickers and business cards.
I'm wanting a new website asap, but I have a lot of issues surrounding that.
So much to do now that I'm back in Minnesota.
I'll be working hard in between appointments this week.
Planning doesn't leave much time for doing.
I had a very rough start to my day.
My tattoo equipment was locked in my car,
and the only known key was in Meryl's pocket at the University.
After some borrowed cars and special trips,
I had things almost figured out in time for this too-cute giraffe tattoo.
It was two and a half hours of forearm fun.
I let her in on all of my secrets, and she even sat through a critique of the tattoos I did out east last week.
That's a buttload of honesty to witness the first time getting tattooed by me.
Most tattoo artists try and play like they are perfect,
and that absolute trust and loyalty needs to be shown.
I'm more of the feeling that we're all in this together,
and it's exactly what we make it.
So cuteness happened, and we were both pleased.
Back in the MPLS
I must be tired.
Yesterday was jam packed with traveling.
Thanks to Kristen for getting up even earlier, and taking me to the Springfield bus station at 4 am.
I fell asleep on buses, on planes, even on hot mom's shoulders.
You can take my window seat for your little brat kid,
but I'm going to be leaning on something.
I hope you don't mind,
but honestly, my embarrassment sensor has always been a little dull.
I woke up with half of my body in someone else's seat, my mouth ajar,
and I didn't feel a bit ashamed.
It's nice to be back in Minnesota.
Except for the hail and sleet that I woke up to.
Our groundhog had four shadows this year, so they are predicting a spring sometime in June.
I can't wait.
I'll miss the Maynard House, that's for sure.
We're going to set up an exchange program with them,
sending selected applicants to the other awesome city for residencies.
All I need on my side is a quality house name.
Now I'm off to Identity Tattoo, where it's a packed house.
Mr Kevin McNutt has been doing a guest spot back here while I've been gone, and he's working some of this week as well.
I have a few hours before my first appointment to unpack my stuff and get back into the swing of things.
The Final Day
Michelle and I threw down some color in those flowers, and she took it like a champ.
Then Kristen sat through this peony on her shoulder for a couple hours.
When it was Mary's turn, I found myself tattooing next to some very nice tattoos done in a no-outline painterly manner, of which I almost never do.
But when in Rome......
She didn't look until we were completely finished.
I only took a couple of peeks myself.
I didn't get a decent photo, since it was dark outside (and inside), but she promises a photo by email soon.
I think I earned a few points.
Her and her boyfriend are super good people, and I wish them the best with everything.
Off the Map and all of the guest artists are so fortunate to have her.
It's now midnight.
In four hours I'm headed to the bus station.
Then to the airport.
And finally home.
I will probably sleep the rest of the day away,
but will be back at Identity Tattoo bright and not so early Tuesday.
A Rainy Sunday Morning.
It's raining,
and I'm kinda sick.
Maybe allergies?
I'm running at about 75%.
But today is the last day of me tattooing here at Off the Map,
so I only have 3 tattoos left to tough it out through.
I think it's three flowers, too.
Michelle is getting hers finished from November,
then Kristen,
and then Mary the Miraculous Multi-tasker is getting some yet to be drawn up flower and moth creation.
And that one HAS to be hot,
because there's a lot riding on it.
Like the title of "Favorite Guest Artist."
Right now me and Timmy B are running neck to neck.
He's charming, and cute, it's true.
But he's about 3 or 4 shirts behind in the gift giving category.
And none of his super hot tattoos can be found on Mary's skin.
And now every shirt he gives her, and every tattoo he does on her will only be an empty gesture that's an obvious attempt to catch up.
So, Mr Timmy B, the stakes are being upped today,
at about 5:30pm.
I will fight through the sniffles, and hold in the sneezes.
The last couple days have been pretty busy.
Friday night was the get together at Sierra Grill.
Northampton on one side, Wallingford on the other.
It was an awesome dinner, and I'm pumped so many people drove so many miles.
We had a few more than expected, and then a few more showed up, really testing the patience of the Grill.
Afterward, a bunch of us hit up the WWII.
I don't know how to explain it.
A dork bar with dancing and Karaoke.
But not hipster dorks, real ones.
We fit in perfectly, especially when I was on the dance floor.
In my tie.
There's been tattooing happening as well.
Yesterday Sarah and Big Dean rocked the day away.
She's headed down to St Thomas to live, and needed a memory of Connecticut.
Oak trees are the state tree, and who doesn't love an acorn?
Big Dean and I have figured out a healing method for him that works successfully.
Being the main man bike mechanic at Pedal Power in Middletown means he gets a lot of chemicals and serious grossness all up on those arm tattoos.
But the Star Wars sleeve we finished yesterday is looking good.
We did some Tie Fighters, and general background for about 5 hours.
Tomorrow I head back to Minnesota,
where it will be so good to see Meryl
and be back in my very comfy station in Identity Tattoo,
but now I'm off to win hearts and titles in my final day of Off the Map.
More stick-n-poke radness
First up- booyah! arm!
This poor person has "booyah!" on their arm not once, but at least SEVEN TIMES! I can also see a pterodactyl, a ghost, and "USA GOES UNDEFEATED".
I wish I knew the story behind this one. "Saves Latin"??? ... maybe I don't really want to know.
And this. What is this? An alien-insect with patriotic wings riding a scooter with hello kitty with a mustache in the back? WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?
Seriously, the more I see tattoos like this, the more I shake my head and start to wonder if they are really works of genius instead of being the worst tattoos in the world.
Tattoo of the month: Richie
Come by our Rochelle Park studio off of Rt. 17 South, and make an appointment with any of our artists!
Whale tales.
Yesterday was a big day, since Mr. Rich got his knee to foot sleeve finished.
It's been going on for 5 years.
That takes us way back,
all the way to the Lincoln St shop in Cromwell.
So we did some filling in, and connecting pieces to make it look like everything was a part of the bigger plan.
And we also added a few gull guys, since I've been doing wings every day, and didn't want to break the streak.
(he also asked for them)
Rich sat so well, he fell asleep.
He seemed slightly embarrassed about it, but I think that's awesome.
Tough guys always claim they fell asleep during their last tattoo,
but falling asleep and passing out aren't exactly the same.
I talk some smack about dudes.
Dudes are usually a-holes.
Unless, however, they are my dudes.
And my dudes are coming out in numbers tonight.
We've made a reservation for 15 tonight at the Sierra Grill in Northampton, MA, but if you want to show up, we'll tell the front person to grab a few more chairs.
It'll be the craziest mix up of people ever.
Northampton meets Wallingford.
Even my sister is showing up,
getting off of a plane from Detroit,
and driving north instead of toward New Haven.
A couple days left, then it's back to MPLS,
with a camera full of pictures,
and the want to plan the next East Coast trip.
A few birthday wishes,
going out to Mr Lucky Lambright,
and my Northampton Handyman Jamie.
38, and 29, respectively.
I'm all dressed up to celebrate,
getting older and not casual friday.
My, how the time does fly!
Of course, then I felt obligated to post it twice.
So, I compromised, and only posted it once.
I'm sure all parties will find this outcome most agreeable.
Tina and Jay come out wherever I am.
They bring bags of vegan treats and cases of Dr Pepper, or take me out to dinner.
They've come to Northampton before, and Boston, and I stayed with them over the holidays.
This time, however, Jay thought he'd switch things up a bit, and actually get tattooed.
I think I met at least some of the criteria he asked for with this piece.
The top half was mostly stenciled, while the legs and everything below them were Sharpied on.
Jay sat like a champ, and it took about 5 1/2 hours.
Dean also came up for the day.
He and Jay are a dangerous combination for tattoos.
I was laughing so hard a few times, I had to stop.
Other times, I probably ought to have stopped but didn't.
I fought through the tears, and got it done.
I'm sure the time went by way faster for me than Jay,
but that's what he gets.
Time flies when you're having fun.
Graffiti girl Solveig Barlow hailed as 'the new Banksy'
Solveig has created more than 20 legal works on walls around Brighton, Sussex, and has earned a legion of fans along the way.
She started painting at age eight and is now regularly seen meticulously spray-painting walls on a patch of wastleland near her home.
But Sloveig has pleaded for people to stop comparing her to famous graffiti artist Banksy, saying their creations are very different.
“I don't like being compared to Banksy because what we do is different. I do graffiti and he does stencils,” she said. “It's not the same thing.”
Solveig isn’t the only person annoyed over comparisons with Bansky, whose murals have made him a cult figure in the art world and whose customers include Christina Aguilera, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
Many bloggers have criticised comparisons of Solveig’s work with Banksy’s.
“She's great and definitely has a very particular style and talent, (kinda relax panda-esque) but this is nothing like Banksy's work,” one commenter said.
Sloveig said she had been overwhelmed by the public’s response to her work.
“I never set out to become known - it just happened,” she said.
Her aim is to create graffiti works that stand out from the crowd.
“I love to make pieces that are as crazy as I can make them. I have no plans to stop so watch out for me.”
Day 2, and already busting out skull carrots?
Today they've added MA to their list of states where I've tattooed them, and they don't know each other.
Rob sneakily by-passed my normal booking process and scheduled a spot with me by giving the shop a call and a deposit over the phone.
That meant I was overbooked by a lot, but I moved some things around to make it work.
I also tattooed 10 hours today.
He came to the shop with a music note that his friend drew for him in 2005, and somehow we did nothing even close to that.
Instead, I Sharpied this brutal bunny and carrot piece, and it just seemed a better fit.
I thought so.
(Maybe it was the carrot soup Eva bought me for lunch.)
Kyle Mack, the purple was for you.
Today is Jay Mcmanus' birthday, so tomorrow I tattoo some "time flies" themed stuff on him.
He might be bringing a few people.
And Albie Rock might drive down from his mountain and meet up with us as well.
So much good stuff is going on.
It's a lot to pack into a week.
So far I'm keeping up.
Cats with no ears
This looks like a Lisa Frank drawing without the pizazz.
This is the most half-assed tattoo I have possibly ever seen. Why are the eyes sideways? Why are the whiskers blue? Where are the ears? So many unanswered questions!
This is a mix of the lady's five cats and some human (the right eye). Why the human has a lazy eye, I don't know. I also think the cat is actually the bark of a tree.
And finally, while not technically terrible, this butterfly-cat holding a flower and inexplicably wearing pants makes me laugh.
"Who will thresh the wheat?"
Tyrant and T were there when I landed in Boston,
rocking a Mr Hebrank sign.
I'm pretty sure that's a first for me.
We hit up the vegan restaurant Grasshopper in Allston, MA on our way to Northampton,
which is a must if you're in the area.
It's all vegan, and next to a vegan pizza place as well.
I was dropped off at the Maynard House, where awesome folks and good food were waiting for me.
Heather, who doesn't even live here, made a soup for me that was in the fridge and literally had my name on it.
Vegan lasagna and zucchini bread from Amy and Jaime.
I have way more than my share of awesome people around me.
Generous and loyal kids who go way out of their way to make sure you got what you need, and then some.
I've weeded out by now the people who Albie Rock refers to as "weak sauce".
I know the Little Red Hens of the world, making that tasty bread.
Pockets filled with scraps of paper,
to-do lists and books to read.
I'm glad to be able to share stories and hugs with friends of friends who are immediately new friends.
Everyone that I'm close with seems to be working on a big project right now.
Finding good company, working hard, and keeping each other focused.
I think somehow all of the many plans we have are tied together.
I surround myself with those who contribute.
Things were pretty easy at Off the Map today.
Amber got crows above each of her elbows, but I didn't get a picture.
She's an animal fixer and an amazing photographer.
It was nice to hang out again.
Amy wanted a couple of cute little pine cones, so that's what we did.
We did the pine needles in a greywash only (to keep them subtle),
so I'll try and snap another photo of it later on in the week.
Don't mind the yellow Sharpie around it.
I'm sure that will wash off.
I have drawings to do for tomorrow.
Planned tattoos and unplanned.
It's 1 am, but only midnight my time.
I took it easy today, and will make up for it tomorrow.
East Coast Bound.
I'm packing right now, and knowing that I'm probably forgetting everything.
I'm feeling pretty stressed out & not at all prepared, but it's ok.
Once I hit the East Coast, I'll be well taken care of.
Tyrant is meeting me at the Boston airport, which beats the Peter Pan bus I took last time by something like 4 billion per cent.
The Maynard House just so happens to have the spare room open again for me. And this time, there's even a real bed (though last time, the inflatable bedroom palace was pretty dope)
Heather and Lori are back in town.
The Wallingford kids are filling a few cars and headed up for some fun.
It's McManus's birthday, and he's getting a half sleeve.
Albie Rock is scheduled to drive down so we continue the Big Plans.
Friday night is party night at Evolution in Northampton.
If you're in the area, we want you there. 9pm.
Today I started early and stayed late.
Packing up all your supplies to bring on the plane makes you never want to do a guest spot.
Or makes you want to use a very limited palate.
I should do a week where I only do black and grey pieces.
I finished this butterfly rib piece today.
She has 11 butterflies now.
These five took maybe 7 hours split into two sessions.
She's tough as nails, and gets some serious props from me.
Alright, back to packing.
See all you Atlantic-ers soon.
Moving pictures with words.
I'm desperately trying to play catch up, while still getting ready for my guest spot at Off the Map coming up next week. I work the next two days, then leave Sunday.
AND I'm sick.
I did four tattoos today, but managed to squeeze in a few super limited shirt colors.
I had 6 burgundy and 6 brown shirts, which I printed with a light tan.
I think it's 2 smalls, 2 mediums, and 2 larges or each.
I'm excited for big fun in Northampton this time.
Last time was all work and little play,
and even though I'm doing 7 days of work straight,
I got some extras scheduled.
If you're going to be around, you should come visit.
I'll be at the shop from 12-9 everyday.
It's an hour from most of Connecticut, so pack a lunch and come say hello.
Also, my homeboy Jake from FXtattoos in Ohio made me this sweet moving gif banner that tells it like it is.
Thanks Jake!
Four Years Young.
I'm sure glad it's there, tucked between a diner that doesn't know how to make baked potatoes, and an old lady salon that sends horrible hair burning smells seeping into our space.
Todd Lambright, owner and tattooer, sure makes it a super awesome place to work.
I couldn't imagine working anywhere else, and when visitors come by, like Albie Rock did last week, they get pretty jealous of the way it's run.
It was a pretty crazy day today, and I think we only casually brought up the anniversary a couple times while talking about other things.
But it's a good thing to take a minute and give it a tough guy head nod or some other show of appreciation.
Nice job, Mr Todd.
Bad chest tattoos
"All Hope Is Gone" -- not a very good thing to get when you're young (I cropped his face out of the photo, he looks like he is 17). Also what's the logo on the right? I assume these are bad lyrics of some sort.
"Blood Is Forever" -- I guess this is a way of celebrating family, but there is surely a much better way to do it. Also the bloody cracked Batman logo is an a+ addition there, buddy.
"Pull The Trigger Bitch" -- sdkjfhsdk I can seriously not think of a worse thing to get tattooed on your chest for all time. Do you think he will ever have sex with anyone ever again? I guess he'll just have to keep his shirt on indefinitely!
Finishing Full
It's been seven days of non-stop eating,
with tattooing, drawing, and screenprinting mixed in only so we didn't rupture our stomachs and send pureed ethnic food seeping through our insides.
Today we ended the feasting at Babani's, the first ever Kurdish restaurant in the United States.
Really, really good.
It's in St Paul, so we made a half day of it over there.
We stopped in the St Paul Cathedral, took pictures and got all weak-kneed at the hot style and fancy art stuff.
Swan lamps?
Then to 7th street,
where we did a little MAN-tiquing.
Into dusty basements and backrooms full of so many things that would look so great in my house.
Then we went to Identity Tattoo, and finished up the week by doing all of the girls shirts in one shot.
Light greyish blue girly shirts, with plum-y purple ink on the front.
There's also the almost same grey/blue shirt color colored eleven on the backside of the shirt.
A bouquet of awesome.
$15 each.
This blog right now brings the post total to two hundred.
Two hundred posts on my blog's almost two year anniversary.
Albie Rock started his almost one year ago to this day while out here in MPLS last time.
And Identity Tattoo turns the big four this Wednesday.
That's a lot of anniversary happenings.
Speaking of numbers,
I will be out east in no time at all.
5 days?
Get ready, Northampton.
Stock up on your sleep now, my Maynard friends.
See you soon.
A PSA against home tattooing
ow ow ow ow ow ow ow. This makes me hurt all over just looking at it. So scratchy!!!! I can't even imagine what it must look like healed. I think my favorite part is that he only has one eyeball.
More Zombies
You guys should all know by now that I am fascinated by flash tattoos and tattoos that come from the same drawing but look different. The tattoo I got on Friday was part of a Friday the 13th special, where you could get any flash zombie on a sheet for $40. I chose the classic coming-out-of-the-grave-zombie, and it turns out three of my friends went for the same thing. One of my friends and I got sxe zombies, my other two friends got the zombie as he was on the sheet. Here are all four zombies for comparison (done by three different artists, see if you can spot the two that were done by the same person).